chapter 16

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the 118 had been called to something they have defiantly never seen . while casing some graffitist a secretly grad had fallen between budling and gotten stuck. 

"LAFD step back " bobby anonsed as they got out of the truck . "ok how we doing gorge?" 

"i cant feal my legs and i think my ankle is broken " the man said in a panicked tone. 

"sir how long you been down there?" hen asked as they looked down at him from to top of the buildings 

"I saw the sun come up" he cried 

"how is your breathing ?" Sam asked 

"i cant really take a deep breath "

"how hight can you reach we may be able to drop you a line and pull you up" Buck offered but he could not reach nearly enough up  instead cap thought it would be beast as to rather pulling up they pulled across they started to drill out the wall. it was clear he was starting to panic .after a lot of pulling they were able  to pull him into the other apartment and load him up. after they moved him on to the back bord and gurney Sam and Hen rushed to exsam him  

the next call wasnt much better they had been called to a bar were a drunk girl had stuck her head in a exhausut pipe . 

"hello what is her name?"Chim asked as they stared down at her 

"jennifer " the girl muffled back 

"thought you meant my truck " 

"wow what a douche" Sam muttered under her breath 

"this your truck"

"yeah but i didn't back into her she stuck her head in there "

"you dared her to" one of her friends piped up 

"we were flirting "

"your idea of flirting is daring her to stick her head into your tailpipe" Eddie said with a laugh

they began to poke around to figure out were her head was and what to do 

"Theas thigs are custom made to increase power to the engine " Buck explained 

" well a TSA 230 saw should do it "

"like knife through butter " Sam couldn't help but laugh at the man as he figured out what they were going to do .

"just put your number in my phone and i will text you so you have mine" one of the girls said approaching Buck this caught Sam attention as she stared at the girl

"thanks but i have a girlfriend and i need to focuses right now so my caption doesn't cut your friends head off" Sam stared down the girl as see backed away from buck. even though he did not entertain the girl god her flirting with him made her blood boil. 

once the girls had stropped flirting with Eddie and Buck were able to get the girl out.  

they were about to head back to the fir house when Eddie resaved a call. after he got off the phone Sam went over to see if he was ok "hey you ok?" she asked with a concerned look 

"no abuela is in the hospital " after that they wasted no time getting there 

they were greeted by Tia Peppa and Chris in the wating room who was charming some of the nurses while Peppa  sat there with a worried expression 

"is Chris ok?"

"he's peachy" she said pointing to him " its abuela she has broken her hip" 


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