Chapter Eleven {Meeting The Parents}

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^I don't think I have to put a warning but just in case.
There will be a bit of cursing.^

Third POV

It was finally time to meet Logan's parents for the first time. His father, Aleksandr and his mother, Frieda are travelers. Also take part in some illegal activity but that is their job as they run the mafia (chapter eight). Tyler was very nervous, meeting a mafia leader because you are dating their only son is nerve-racking.

Now they are in Mary and James house in the living room, waiting until Aleksandr and Frieda get there. James and Mary give in look to Tyler. As Tyler look at them Logan grabbed Tyler and took him to the next room. Which is the kitchen.

I am pretty sure that grandparents know that you know my parents are leaders. -Logan

Was I that obvious? -Tyler

No, but to them yes. They study people like a paper. -Logan

That means that your parents are going to know that I know. -Tyler

Don't panic that much, try to pretend that you don't know as much as possible. -Logan

Understood. -Tyler

Also, my mom is around seven months pregnant so her mood swings are a bit crazy. -Logan

So I'm going to be fucking dead by the end of the day. -Tyler

Not really, now let's go, they will be here any minute. -Logan

Logan gives Tyler a peck on the lips and they walk back to the living room. The look on Mary and James faces screams at Tyler's face that they know that he knows. After a few minutes, there was a knock and Logan went to go get it.

Hi mom and dad. -Logan

The two older adults walked past Logan and straight into the living room.

So..who is this person my son is dating? -Aleksandr

I'm the person. -Tyler

Nice to meet you, um. -Frieda

My name is Tyler, ma'am. -Tyler

Hi Tyler, nice to meet you in person. -Frieda

You know I might kill you. -Aleksandr

Calm down now, have a seat and let's talk. -James

Ok dad. -Aleksandr

After everyone got seated.

May I ask, how did this happen? -Aleksandr

I can answer a bit of it. -Mariana

Who are you? Sorry. -Frieda

It's ok, my name is Mariana. I am the twins mother. -Mariana

Twins? -Frieda

Yeah, Tyler and Taylor. They are here with me. -Mariana

That's nice, can I ask. What happened. -Aleksandr

Both Logan and Tyler cringe as they remember when Mariana walked in on them. (In chapter six, there is a part missing. That is the story that Mariana is going to tell btw)

I wanted to talk to Tyler but when I was looking for him I ran into Taylor. I asked her for her brother and she said that he was with Logan. I didn't think much since the three of them hang out a lot.

The ADD Baseball Player and The OCD Nerd {TylerxLogan}Where stories live. Discover now