Chapter Twenty-Five {Packing}

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^So I think I'm going to do thirty chapters but that depends^

Third POV

It's been a couple of days. It was almost time for the trip, Marianna made the twins pack two days earlier since that always packs last minute. All of them decided to stay there for the New Year's and come back a day before school starts again.

'Are we driving or something?'  -Marianna

'Driving, Aleksandr is taking the mini bus, maybe the RV?' -Tyler

(Quick note y'all, the RV that I used to go on was a nine seater I think so I'm using that information for this)

'Ok, could you ask?' -Marianna

'Of course.' -Tyler

Tyler left the room to call Logan quickly.

{Calling "My Love"}


'Hey! My mom wanted to know what vehicle are we driving in.' -T

'Some fancy words, huh darling?' -L

'I only said vehicle.' -T

'Its the RV, I hope we get to share a bed darling.' -L

'Why do you have to be so flirtatious...' -T

'Again with the fancy word my dear.' -L

'....' -T

'You still love me.' -L

'Yep, I still love you my love.' -T

'See you in a bit, we are driving by.' -L

'Ok my love, love you.' -T

'Love you too!' -L

{Call Ended}

Tyler went to his mom again.

'The RV, they are coming by in a bit to put us up.' -Tyler

'Let me get my suitcase by the door!!' -Taylor

'Ok, why is your face all red.' -Marianna

Tyler put up his hands to his face, covering it.

'It's nothing mom...' -Tyler

There was a knock on the door, Taylor went to open it. Logan came in.

'You look like a tomato.' -Logan

'Thanks to you..' -Tyler

'You're cute this way. Really do hope we share a bed much more.' -Logan

'Ok ok!!' -Tyler

Tyler was still red covering his face even more.

'Come on now, let's get on the RV.' -Logan

Everyone went outside, Frieda was talking to Taylor while Aleksandr helped with the suitcases.

'We are here now.' -Logan

Logan dragged Tyler on the bus, sitting on the table facing away from the driver and passenger seat.  They had seatbelts on the table and couch seats but sometimes they don't use them.

So everyone got in, Aleksandr took the driver seat while his wife took the passenger seat, his daughter's car seat was on the couch for easy access. Marianna and Taylor took the rest of the couch and put on the seatbelts. Tyler took the seat closer to the walls while Logan took the outsides.

'Logan, Tyler, why are you guys facing away from the two seats??' -Frieda

'So I could do this.' -Logan

Tyler knew what Logan was going to do, but he kinda wanted to piss off Aleksandr for fun. Tyler turned body a bit. That's when Logan got kinda on top of Tyler and he started to kiss him.

(umm... so imagine this. Tyler kinda laying down but one leg is on the floor, he is also using the wall to support his head. Logan is on top on his lap, again with the leg. One leg off to the sides. That all I got)

'Not in front of everyone!!' -Taylor

The two boys were acting like they couldn't hear the others.

A fun trip .

'Ok y'all, I'm going to try to make the next chapter longer. Also the next chapter will be about the whole trip in the RV and I'm going to do research. Also my dad called me a Texan cuz I used 'yall' a lot. I'm from California:> anyways Have a good night/day y'all :>^


The ADD Baseball Player and The OCD Nerd {TylerxLogan}Where stories live. Discover now