1/9: First Day

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Jakhi's eyes snapped open, and he found himself standing on a rocky battlefield. The air crackled with energy, and the scent of ozone filled his nostrils.

His team, the valiant Gokaigers, fought desperately against Emperor Ackdos Gill's monstrous forces.

The sky churned with dark clouds, and lightning struck the ground, illuminating the chaos.

His heart pounded as he recognized the scene, the final battle that had shattered their ranks.

The former Pink Ranger, her helmet cracked, fought fiercely but was no match for Basco ta Jolokia, Jakhi's once-trusted friend.

Basco's blade sliced through the air, and the Pink Ranger fell, her last breath escaping in a whisper.

Jakhi's legs wobbled as he stumbled backward. He was powerless to intervene. His own injuries weighed him down, and his telekinesis was drained from earlier battles.

He screamed, but his voice was lost in the cacophony of war. Then, the fallen rangers surrounded him. Their eyes accusing, their voices a haunting chorus.

"Why didn't you save us, Jakhi?" Yellow Ranger's ghostly form asked, her armor still scorched from an explosion.

"Why didn't you do more?" Blue Ranger's spectral figure demanded, his visor cracked.

"Why did Aka Red trust you?" Green Ranger's shade sneered, his voice dripping with bitterness.

"Why couldn't you have died in our place?" Pink's ethereal presence whispered, her eyes hollow.

The questions echoed through Jakhi's mind, each one a blade twisting in his gut. He had led them into battle, made decisions that cost them their lives.

But he had believed in their cause, the fight for justice, the protection of innocents. How could he have known that Basco would betray them all?

And then, Akared materialized before him-a vision of honor and strength. The legendary Red Sentai leader regarded Jakhi with disappointment. "You're a disgrace," he spat. "You let your team down."

Jakhi's knees buckled. "I tried," he choked out. "I did everything I could."

"Everything?" Akared's voice dripped with scorn. "You were too weak. Too trusting. You should have seen Basco's treachery."

"But he was my friend!" Jakhi protested. "We fought side by side!"

Akared's eyes blazed. "Friendship blinds fools. I should have left you in the gutter where I found you."

The other Red Sentai Rangers appeared, their forms flickering like dying flames. They circled Jakhi, their voices a chorus of condemnation.

"You failed us."

"You were unworthy."


Jakhi's chest tightened. He couldn't breathe. The weight of their judgment crushed him. He screamed, and the world fractured.

Jakhi jolted awake, drenched in sweat. His heart raced, and he clutched the sheets. The nightmare, the memories, still clung to him.

Basco's betrayal, the fallen rangers' accusations, they were etched into his soul. He breathed heavy and got out of bed.

The sun had barely risen over Metropolis when the hero girls, Zee, Kara, Babs, Jessica, Karen and Diana burst into Jakhi's room.

Their civilian attire replaced their iconic costumes, but their determination remained unwavering.

Today was Jakhi's first day at Metropolis High, and they were determined to make it memorable.

Except, Jakhi wasn't there.

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