1/11: Two Sides

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Gokai Red enters the base and demorphs into Jakhi, he looks up and sees the team seeming downtrodden.

"Is there an issue?" Jakhi asks

"What were you doing with Catwoman?" Kara asks

"Don't see how that's your business, plus who told you that?" He asks

"I saw you guys on patrol." Babs says, "You guys were flirt-fighting, and you stole something?"

"I don't know how many times I have to say this... I. Am. A. Pirate." Jakhi breaks down

"I thought you were a hero!" Zatanna shouts

"Who the fuck told you that?!" Jakhi shouts

"You saved us so many times!" Zatanna shouts

"Because if I didn't who would save this blue rock, it's where all the best stuff is." Jakhi says

"Khi, the next time you see her you have to take her in." Kara says

"I'll think about it, I'm a hero when I want to be." Jakhi says walking towards his room then stopping, "Remember that." He enters his room and shuts the door

The Hero Girls, Diana, Zee, Kara, Babs, Karen, and Jessica, gathered in the dimly lit corner of their secret base.

The holographic table flickered with images of Jakhi, aka Gokai Red, caught in the act of flirting with Catwoman during their latest confrontation.

The tension in the room was palpable.

Diana, the Amazonian warrior, crossed her arms. "This isn't like Jakhi. He's always been focused during battles."

Zee, the witch, adjusted her tie. "Maybe he's distracted. Catwoman has a way of getting under people's skin."

Kara, the Kryptonian powerhouse, frowned. "But we're heroes. We can't afford distractions."

Babs, the brilliant hacker, leaned forward. "Remember what he said? 'I'm a hero when I feel like it.' Maybe he's redefining heroism."

Karen, the pint size hero, sighed. "He's always been a wildcard. But this? Flirting in the middle of a fight?"

Jessica, the lantern, raised an eyebrow. "Maybe he's onto something. Who says heroes can't have a little fun?"

Just then, Navi, the robotic bird and Jakhi's best friend, fluttered down from the rafters. Her metallic feathers glinted in the low light. "Ladies," she chirped, "let me enlighten you about our dear Gokai Red."

The Hero Girls exchanged curious glances. Navi had been with Jakhi since they were both fledglings, and her loyalty was unwavering.

"He's never not been a pirate," Navi continued. "From the moment he was born, survival meant stealing. Food, shelter, anything he needed. It's in his blood."

Babs frowned. "But he's a hero now."

Navi tilted her head. "Is he? Or is he just a pirate with a shiny helmet?"

The room fell silent. They all did know Jakhi's past only what he made up, the orphaned child who'd fought tooth and claw to survive.

His Gokai powers had saved him more times than he could count, but stealing had been his lifeline.

Zee tapped her fingers on the table. "So, what do we do? Confront him?"

Navi fluffed her feathers. "You can't stop someone from being who they are. Jakhi's heart is split between heroism and piracy. Maybe he needs both, but my money 9 times out of 10 is going to piracy, it's his life and what he knows best out of anything."

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