Chapter One

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I take a deep breath, patting down my annoyingly tight corset, suddenly very anxious over my appearance. I look in the mirror, scanning my appearance for any flaws. My big, blue eyes stared back at me, framed with long, thick lashes.

"Juliet! Come here now or you'll be late!"

I sigh, brushing a loose strand of hair behind my ear. I turn to face the door, my hand hesitating as it reaches out for the doorknob.

What if I mess up and embarrass myself infront of everyone?

I shake myself out of it and twist the doorknob, opening the door. Taking a deep breath, I walk over to where Peter stood waiting. His eyes scanned me up and down, before he gave me a curt nod and walked down the hall to the ballroom, gesturing for me to follow.

I follow after him, my shoes digging into my ankles as I walk along the shiny, hardwood flooring, heels clicking with every step I take.

After what seemed like both an eternity and not long enough. I hear the royal fanfare and the gold gilded, mahogany doors swung open. The ballroom was bright and loud, all the things rather overstimulating to my already pounding heartbeat.

I take a steadying breath and walk down the staircase, into the swarm of people, who had separated to make me a path, bowing and curtsying politely. I walk through the path, forcing a smile to my face, until I get to my parents. They nod and smile at me, giving me unspoken permission to sit. I curtsy and do as I'm told, crossing my legs at the  ankles gracefully.


"Seriously Romeo? This is a dumb idea, even for you," I said as my brother told me his plan.

"Oh, come on Evelyn, it'll be fun!' Romeo exclaimed.

"We'll get caught!"


I groan and roll my eyes. Romeo ruffles my hair playfully.

"Now, go get ready. And make sure to wear red, not blue. You don't want to stand out too much."

"Yeah, yeah, I get it. I'm not an idiot."

With that, I leave the room. Now to find a red dress...



"I don't have a red dress!"

Romeo walks into my bedroom, looking annoyed.

"Well, what do you expect me to do about it?"

"I don't know!"

"Just figure it out!"

I groan and slump down onto my bed. My corset digs into my side and I gasp with pain, quickly loosening the laces.

"Can't I just wear a blue dress?"

"Fine. We'll go with Plan B."

I look at him, confused. "And, what's Plan B?"

Romeo grins at me, eyes twinkling with mischief. I glare at him.

"Well, Plan B is to hog all the attention."

My mouth stretches into a grin, perfectly mirroring my brothers.

"Well, why wasn't that Plan A?! Leave! I need to get ready!"

Romeo leaves, laughing. I dig through my wardrobe. Too pale. Too modest. Too... Ew.

Eventually I find just what I was looking for. Perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06 ⏰

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