Late Nights

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A/N: (Btw for Spot, I'm going off of Pluto rules, where he's not anthropomorphic or humanoid even though Goofy the dog is, also you guys are the best omg, tysm for the kind words)

~~~~~Next Day (Max's POV)~~~~~

   "Omg! Hi Max!"

   Max paused his conversation with P.J and Bobby to turn to the source of the words, spotting a familiar looking blonde. "Hello! Sorry, have we met before?"

   The girl giggled. "My names Rebecca. I'm in your Biology class! We don't sit next to each other but I think you're really cute and I've been wanting to ask you for a while if you'd like to get coffee sometime, maybe?"

   The boy was taken by surprise at the request, still getting used to the newfound popularity that came with his X Games win.

   Rebecca's expression became more nervous with each passing second of Max's silence. She quickly added, "I'm free next Wednesday? Would that be a good time?"

   Max snapped out of his stupor at the mention of the day. "Oh, I'm really sorry, but I'll actually be busy then. Maybe some other time?"

   The blonde looked a bit disappointed but still gave him a sweet smile nonetheless. "That's okay! Sure! We can talk later. Bye guys!" She waved at the three boys as she walked the opposite way down the sidewalk.

   The three watched her go, when Max felt something hit his back.

   "Dude! Maximilian! What was that?" Questioned Bobby. 'Must've been his hand then,' Max figured.

   P.J. joined in. "Yeah man! What could be so important that you'd pass up on a date with a cute girl?"

   Max froze, realizing that the way he chose to handle this would greatly affect whether or not he and Bradley's deal stayed secret like it was supposed to.

   "Chill out guys. I've just got a tutoring thing I've been doing. And if I fall too far behind in classes then I won't have time to go on any dates at ALL!"

   "Really? What for?" P.J. asked, looking suspicious.


   This seemed to check out in his two friends' heads. "Well, I'm happy you're taking your studies seriously. After all, why stop doing things for yourself? One cannot depend on others they barely know for success and happiness!" the larger boy exclaimed.

   The group went silent at P.J.'s tangent.

   "I....what?" asked Max, puzzled.

   "Don't worry bout it, broooo," interjected Bobby, slinging his arm around Max's shoulder, "that's just Stacey rubbin off on him. What he means is that: 'Priorities are sick'!"

   Max chuckled at their antics. His cover's still safe and sound.

~~~~~~~~Later that day~~~~~~~~

   Max made his way through the dark streets, having gone on a late night walk due to a sudden wave of insomnia. Well, that and Bobby's incredibly loud snoring.

   As he walked past storefront after storefront, he passed by a particularly shady looking alleyway. He gave it a quick glance, as a wave of dread all of a sudden washed over him.

   "Don't worry about it. Just keep going," he mumbled to himself.

   His self assurance was interrupted by a loud crash from the alley. He quickly turned at the noise. "Hello? Who-who's there?!" He shouted, trying to sound brave. It didn't work.

   Another crash followed his question. 'Okay, I'm getting seriously freaked out right now,' he thought.

   Just then, Max heard the thud of footsteps from behind. He instinctively started running wherever his legs would take him. Turning a corner, he hid in the shadows. He looked up, taking in his surroundings as he caught his breath. Oh crap.

   It was the suspicious alleyway, he'd walked right into it. He gave himself a mental facepalm. 'I'm so tired, my critical thinking skills are zilch.'

   The footsteps got closer, Max held his breath. Suddenly, everything was quiet. He waited for about 20 seconds, before finally peering his head out of the darkness to see if the coast was clear.

   He felt something grab his shoulder, quickly followed by an unknown voice.

   "Give me your wallet and no one gets hurt, kid."

   Max panicked, now realizing he had just become victim to a mugging. "Okay, okay, please just-let me go," he pleaded.

   The stranger laughed, his awful breath meeting Max's nose. "If you want me to do that you better make with the mon-"

   "Hey!" a new voice called out, "get your filthy hands off of him, if you know what's good for you!"

   The man grimaced, tightening his grip on Max. He turned his head, and Max followed his gaze, only to be met with none other than Bradley Uppercrust iii. He was visibly pissed.

   "Oh yeah? And what are you gonna do if I don-AGH!"

   The man fell back, letting go of Max to grab his own eyes as his face was doused with pepper spray. He quickly retreated away from the two.

   Bradley ran up to Max, hesitantly reaching for his arms. "Are you alright?? Did that scum hurt you?

   Max stared at him blankly.


   The aforementioned boy quickly blinked himself back into reality. "Sorry! Sorry! Yes, I'm-I'm okay. Thank god you showed up when you did. I think I woulda been dead meat if it had been any later." He shuddered, before pausing.

   "Wait," he raised an eyebrow at Bradley, "what are you doing here?"

   Bradley stepped back from Max, straightening up his sweater vest, trying to reclaim his nonchalant demeanor. "The house dog got out, and since I screwed over Tank at the tournament, everyone decided that getting him back would be my task. I saw Spot run in this direction and I followed him until I noticed you being threatened. Fortunately, I always keep pepper spray with me when I'm on campus, in case any fans decide to get too close and personal. "

   "If I had known a late night walk would've resulted in me almost getting robbed I definitely would've just sucked it up and accepted that I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.... Wow, I am like-so incredibly lucky," Max breathed out in disbelief, still a bit shaken up.

   "You're telling me! It's always fun being the knight in shining armor," the Gamma boasted, before coming to a realization. "Oh shit, Spot's probably long gone by now!"

   "Actually," interrupted Max, "I think I have an idea of where he might be."

   He turned to look further into the alleyway, making a clicking noise with his mouth. Suddenly, a white Jack Russell Terrier with brown spots jumped out from behind a trash can.

   "Spot!" cried Bradley, clearly relieved, "thank goodness! C'mere boy!" He patted his knees, grabbing the small dog as it leaped up into his arms.

   Max chuckled as Bradley's face was attacked with kisses. "This little guy gave me quite the scare earlier, I think he was looking for some scraps to eat."

   Bradley smiled at the dog, before turning to Max, still keeping the same expression. "Well, he is quite the troublemaker, so that doesn't surprise me one bit."

   The younger boy lifted a hand towards Spot. "May I?"

   "Go ahead, he loves head pats."

   Max rubbed the dog's head, before being jumped on by him almost instantly. "Oof!" He exclaimed.

   Bradley let out a laugh, the same one that had Max feeling all funny the other day. It had come out even more during dinner last night. The sophomore only had a split second to think about that, however, as his face was bombarded with Spot's kisses as well.

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