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~~~~~~~Max's POV~~~~~~~

    Max entered the library at 6:01. He had meant to arrive earlier, but fate had other plans, as his Bio class had gone on 5 minutes over time. While he hoped that Bradley would be even later than him to avoid his ridicule, he rushed to find a desk.

   Max startled at the voice, turning to the source to find just the guy he'd come there to see. "Oh-uh, hi."

   "Did that klutzy father of yours never teach you about being punctual?" Oh great. Ridicule not avoided.

   "Oh trust me, it's one of his many lectures, right up there with not being an ass," Max was enjoying the hell out of this arrangement already. "I brought the supplies you told me to get! Charcoal is weirdly expensive."

   "I have to say, I don't know what you're on about. I gave you one of the cheapest recommendations that came to mind," Bradley scoffed.

   Max stared at him, still processing how someone so snobby could even exist. "Anywayyyy," the underclassman continued, laughing, "how about we kick things off now?"

   The two finally got to work, with Bradley teaching Max the basics of simplifying shapes.

   "Think of something you really want to draw," the Gamma prompted him.



   "Hmmmm," Max mulled it over in his mind, "how abouttt...a convertible?"

   "Hah, predictable," Bradley laughed at him.

   "Hey!" Max offendedly exclaimed, "you said I could pick anything!"

   "Don't blow a gasket, Goof. I'm only messing with you," the upperclassman rolled his eyes. "Now. Cars can be challenging for even the most experienced of artists, but luckily you're learning from me. First, you'll start with the basic shapes of the car, so a rectangle and two squares, obviously." Max nodded, following each of Bradley's movements to the best of his ability.

    30 minutes later, Max had the makings of a decently drawn convertible on his paper. Bradley glanced to the sketch. "Hm, not bad for your first try."

   Max's eyes widened at the compliment. It felt very out of character-

   "Now do it again." Ah. There we go.

   Max sighed and looked back down at the page. Bradley took notice of his annoyance.

   "What's wrong, Max?" he mused, "not cut out for this?"

   The Goof's eyes then narrowed, his mindset changing into one of determination. "I don't know what you mean, Bradley. I'm having the time of my life over here!"

   Letting out a chuckle at Bradley's dismayed reaction to his smug face, he started back on redrawing the car. If he plays his cards right, this will be hilarious.

~~~~~~~The Next Week~~~~~~~

   The next time he and Bradley met up, they had decided to go to the corner of the park instead. Max was on time today, bringing 3 new drawings of the convertible with him. He spotted Bradley on a bench and quickly made his way over to him.

    "Bradley, hey!"

    "Hello...Max," Bradley nodded in his direction, looking only slightly displeased today. Perfect.

   "So I was working on the 5th attempt at the car the other day and I realized that, for my entry, I should do something that really defines me. Y'know??" Max rambled.

   "That'd be the most sensible thing, yes."

   "And then I was like 'well out of everything, what would that be?' and then I was like 'oh c'mon Max! It'd obviously be skateboarding!' and then I thought 'hey, if I'm gonna do skateboarding, then how will I incorporate it into the drawing?' and THEN-"

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