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~~~Next Wednesday( P.J.'s POV)~~~

    P.J. and Bobby made their way to the Bean Scene, having decided that they'd hang out with Stacey while Max was busy with tutoring. The two had barely made it to the end of the street when they heard obnoxious laughter from the corner up ahead.

    "Dude! Haha!" Wait a minute. "I can't believe she'd do that!" That voice sounded very familiar. P.J. looked at Bobby, who shared a similar look of confusion.

      They looked back at the corner, only to see the odd pairing of Max Goof and Bradley Uppercrust iii in front of them. Max was doubled over, heaving with laughter, while Bradley was chuckling to himself looking very proud. He held two milkshakes in his hands, one caramel looking one, the other appeared to be Max's infamous Cherry Chocolate Bombshell order from Bruno's Diner. Once Max's chuckling had calmed down, he raised an open palm towards Bradley, and the older boy placed the shake back in his hand without a second thought.

    "Easy there, tiger. You almost dropped that thing," Bradley snarked.

    "Oh, shut up," Max retorted, before breaking out into another, smaller fit of giggles, "I mean-what was Michelle on ??"

     " Love, I think," Bradley mockingly answered, striking a dramatically effeminate pose, "you'd have to be before doing a thing like singing a sappy song to your crush in the middle of your shared place of work!"

     "I can't believe it worked!" Max exclaimed. The two boys had now just passed P.J. and Bobby, walking across the street. They hadn't even noticed them.

     Bradley chuckled. "Oh, they're disgustingly perfect for each other. Ava was head over heels, let me tell you."

    The conversation slowly got quieter and quieter as they walked further away. P.J. and Bobby were completely silent, staring at each other dumbfounded. Bobby cleared his throat.

    "So I trippin? Or did I just see Max and Mr. Gamma chillin' out with each other? Like-actually enjoying each others' company? Didn't Max say he had tutoring?

    P.J. coughed. "Either we've both gone insane or Max just ditched a date to hang out with Bradley-fucking-Uppercrust."

~~~~~~~~~(Max's POV)~~~~~~~~

    "Dude, you don't need to do this," Max deadpanned.

    "How can I trust you to be safe if I don't?" Bradley gave him a smirk. "Can't let all our hard work go to waste with you getting murdered or something of the sort."

    "Wow...I feel so appreciated."

    "Be grateful you're even getting this."

    "Well, I don't need this because I can handle myself just fine," Max defended.

    "Max, Max, Max. Who was it that saved your butt the other night?" Bradley's smirk widened at his silence. "Exactly. So I think it's only fair that I walk you home, because you clearly need help with being careful!"

    "You're not gonna let this go, are you?"


    Max gave out an annoyed groan, "okay! Fine!" He threw his hands up in the air, careful to keep a good grip on his shake. He walked towards his dorm, Bradley following close behind.

    The pair went silent for a few minutes, before the older of the two finally decided to speak up.

     "So, how confident are you feeling about your skills in the anatomy study we've been practicing?"

    "Uhhh, that depends. How confident are you in my skills?" Max redirected.

     "I hate to say it, Max, but you've actually been doing quite well, especially in the short time we've been working..." Bradley paused, a strange look flashed in his eyes, "together."

     "Wow. Uh-thank you. That really means a lot comin' from you, man," Max gave him a shy smile.

     "Hey, hey. Don't get so bashful on me now, Goof. It's weird."

      Max let out a chuckle. " You're one to talk about 'weird', Bradley!"

     "The hell is that supposed to mean?"

     "It's just-" Max stopped himself, considering his next words carefully, "I dunno, you've been oddly nice recently? Buying me food, helping me out of sticky situations, hanging out with me at lot outside of our scheduled lessons, convincing me to let you walk me back to my dorm. Guess I'm just not used to all this."

     Max looked up, realizing that they both had stopped walking at this point. As his eyes met Bradley's, he could see the older boy start to panic.

    "Well-um-you know I'm only doing all this because you're in charge of whether or not people know about my secret, right? It works in my favor the nicer I am!" Bradley quickly clarified, crossing his arms and turning his snout up, taking on his infamous pose.

    Max didn't understand why exactly that statement made his chest hurt the way it did, and instead of waiting to decipher the feeling, he just lowered his head again with an "Oh."

    He honestly felt quite embarrassed at his display of disappointment. 'Why am I getting so bent outta shape about what Brad thinks? He's an asshole!' He scolded himself.

   Except he hasn't been.

   Not recently.

    These past few weeks, Bradley's been so uncharacteristically buddy-buddy with him that it may actually be driving him a little crazy. Sure that sassy demeanor is still ever present, but it's been kinda endearing lately.

   Aaand that's it. Max is definitely crazy. His brain seems to refuse to make sense anymore, with outlandish thoughts like that.

   Bradley visibly winces at Max's crestfallen face. "Well. I much as I hate to say it, that's not the only reason," he added.

   Max quickly glances up at him, surprised.

   The older boy continues, "another reason for my being nicer to you is simply that....Iappreciateyourcompany," he rushed. "There! I said it! Now stop looking like somebody kicked you!" Bradley practically resembled a tomato at this point, which Max found hilarious given the very formal way he just expressed himself.

   The younger boy laughed, "I appreciate your company too, Bradley." He gave the Gamma a sly smile. "Now then, shall we?" He gestured towards his dorms, as the two had stopped walking to have their conversation.

   Bradley gave him his trademark grin. "We shall."

    And the two continued to make their way to Max's room, a comforting feeling of fondness between them.

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