Day 3:

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So far things are going well. Some temptations were being waved in my face but regardless I managed to overcome it.

Today I ate:

- 1 apple, strawberry and blueberry smoothie
- 1 pickle
- 12 olives
- 5 pieces of broccoli
- 1 salad
- 1 sweet potato piece
- 2 carrots
- 1 apple

My system is getting better but I know I need to keep at this. But like I said I'm doing really good with myself.

My brother is doing good too.

My mom keeps nagging and being a naysayer saying that what we're doing isn't working or is gonna kill my brother but she just acts like she knows everything

So we'll keep doing this if it makes her mad.

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2024 ⏰

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