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Cole, Peter, and Garvey had just gotten back from a pretty long hike, Cole dropped his bag onto the ground and let out a huff of exhaustion. His muscles ached, he rolled out his shoulders to try and ease the pain.

Peter also set down his bag and started to rub at his neck and shoulders, Garvey followed up from behind them. They got back just before the sun was setting and all the beautiful colors arose. Cole knew tonight would be special, even though he thought that everyday.

But even after making fish for everyone, Peter's plate sat untouched. He never even came to sit with them outside.

Cole felt a twinge of hurt in his chest by Peter not eating, was he still scared of him? Cole knew Peter tried to prove himself by not eating or resting before them, yet Cole blamed himself.

He picked up peters plate and walked over to the cabin, he found him sitting on his stomach reading a book, humming to himself with his lamp shining down on his red curls and onto the pages.

"Hey, Peter?" Cole said hesitantly, not wanting to bother him too much.

Peter whipped his head around and made an annoyed grumble.

Cole cleared his throat.

"Are you going to eat? We had a pretty long hike...I just think you should eat something." He gestured to the fish in his hands.

He shook his head no and continued reading his book. Acting as if cole didn't exist.

Not wanting to push him, Cole put the fish down on the bed beside him. Peter turned his head again to see what he was doing.

"Just in case" he mumbled with a slight grin.

Cole ran back outside to see Garvey cleaning up their plates, he sat down beside him and they both watched the beautiful orange fire, not saying a word. It reminded him almost of Peter, how the fire blazed and popped, just like how Peter jolts and stutters. The groove of the flames almost looked like Peter's red curls, the way they bounce and move.

Cole found himself thinking about Peter a lot. Everything reminded him of Peter, the orange fish in the pond, the leaves on the ground. Though he tried to push them off as thoughts you'd have of any friend, he knew deep down that he felt something for Peter. And he knew deep down, that Peter didn't feel the same way. How could he?

Maybe Cole was still that same monster deep down, the same one who bashed Peter's head in. He felt a lump form in his throat, he tried to swallow it and forget about it, but the feeling remained.

Suddenly he was pulled out of thoughts by Garvey letting out a huff, he looked at Garvey and saw a small grin on his face.

"What you thinking there, champ?" Garvey raised his eyebrow while the grin on his face remained, it's almost like he knew what Cole was thinking.

Cole tried to laugh along but instead he chuckled nervously.


Garvey's eyebrows raised higher at the response, making the expression 'are you sure about that?'

Cole let out a defeated sigh, he knew he couldn't lie to Garvey. it's almost like Garvey could read minds, like he had eyes everywhere, even in people's heads!

"I just..I feel bad" Cole said plainly,

Garvey still had a small grin on his face, but instead of his eyebrows being raised, they now furrowed in confusion.

"I guess I'm just..afraid. I'm afraid that Peter is still scared of me, even though I've tried my hardest to show him that I care so much about him." Cole had his head down, looking at his hands as his fidgeted with his fingers, pulling at skin as he tried to explain his thoughts.

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