Cole and peter both sat underneath the bleachers during their off period, the counselors had given them an off period at the same time during this semester, which only made their friendship grow stronger. It wasn't like they had any other friends to hangout with.They were both eating ritz crackers and talking about life, yk, the good stuff. It wasn't until Peter suggested that they do something.
"Hey Cole?" Peter mumbled, his mouth full of ritz.
"Huh?" Cole grumbled, his mouth also full of ritz.
Peter swallowed then finally asked, "You know that h—house at flowers street? The one by the diner?"
Cole thought for a moment,
"The blue one with pink polka dots?"Peter nodded.
"Yeah, I pass by it everyday when I walk to school. What about it?" Cole asked, putting another ritz cracker in his mouth.
Peter sat up more straight.
"Well, I heard that an old lady lived there a couple years ago, but then she died." Peter casually said, catching Cole off guard.
"What?" Cole looked up worried.
"That's sad, why would you tell me that?" Cole grinned with a concerned expression and almost chuckled, he always found Peter random comments and jokes funny, even the ones he found disturbing.
"I don't know" Peter said plainly before going back to eating his ritz crackers, so did Cole.
A long silence arose as they kept eating crackers, Peter swallowed before breaking it.
"You wanna go explore it after school?" Peter asked out of nowhere, catching Cole off guard again.
"No! An old lady died there! What if she haunts us? Garvey told me not to mess with the dead and I stand by that." Cole rambled.
"He was already worried at us dropping those bowling balls out of that house, what would he think if he heard that we went into a dead lady's house! On purpose!" Cole leaned in and loudly whispered.
Peter couldn't help but laugh at his anxious personality, how Peter would always want to do something and Cole always wouldn't want to but he would anyways. It was cute.
"Bro, you chicken out on everything! At this point you're just one big chicken" Peter laughed.
Cole squinted his eyes and furrowed his eyebrows at his comment, giving him a 'yeah right' look even though he knew what Peter said was true.
"Plus, Garvey doesn't have to know! I'm curious to see what's there!" Peter was giggling while talking, he couldn't help it.
"Yeah well I'm not going, you can go alone if you want, see if I care" Cole tried to seem nonchalant about the whole thing, but Peter knew deep down he wouldn't let him go into danger, especially alone. And he could tell he was avoiding the situation by not looking at him and fidgeting with his hands.
"...I triple dog dare you." Peter said with a devilish grin across his face. He knew how to win Cole over anything, and that was to dare him. Cole couldn't say no to a challenge.
Cole slowly lifted his head with furrowed eyebrows and widened eyes, appalled that Peter pulled the 'I triple dog dare you' card.
"You wouldn't dare." Cole said jokingly serious.
"Oh yes I would." Peter snapped back, the grin still lying on his face.
After a moment of silence of them just staring at each other, Cole finally responded.

FanfictionI'm bouta start tweaking I'm coping by writing tsb one shots 💪