Planet Gaios

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In this world, coincidence is more than just something we won't expect it to happen. It might could even bring things that will bring us to where we should be, or what we should be facing. And unlike the other universe in the other multiverse, everything in this one is mostly reversed. Because it is not what you see it appear to be...

Inside a laboratory...

Inside a huge lab with technological equipment, a portal suddenly opens and a humanoid like being with gruesome appearance walk out of it.

???: I finally obtain it...

The being look into the vials that containing DNA samples. The being walk to the table, as his partner get into the room. The being shows the vials, much to the partner's delight.

???: So you really did bring those!

???: Yes. Because I wanted to create the Ultimate Reionic, one that will rule this entire universe with me.

The partner take the vials and insert it into one of the machines, typing on the screens and the DNA fused into the large tube. Inside the large tube, there is a small fetus that is being created by these two. And besides the large tube, there is a smaller ones which contain a type of bracer and an egg.

???: The one and only strongest Reionic will not be born, but made by fusing more and one DNA... Thanks to the contribution from those at the other side, my ambition shall come true!

He laugh manically and emitting dark aura around the area. The partner look at the being, unsure if creating something so strong is a good idea. But this has to be done or more terrible things will be done by that being.

Few Thousands Years Later...

On an asteroid...

Sitting on the rock that hovering across the space, it shows a humanoid being is there along with a polearm like weapon beside him.

???: The time has finally come...

Dark reddish aura can be seen emitting from his body, before the being grab the polearm and stand up. Beside him, there is a transparent humanoid like figure.

???: Are you sure you wish to take this path? You still can back away now.

???: This is the path I've chosen. I won't turn back now.

Multiple different roaring like sound can be heard from the polearm.

???: Be patient, my friends. The time is just right when I finally get my revenge.

He walk ahead and flies away, heading toward a shining teal planet.

Things move way too fast than expected. And yet, that is what life means. Life always move faster than we thought, it was us who respond slowly to this. However, this is not the beginning. There are things that will be much more unexpected will come.

Two Thousand Years Later...

Year of 2355, Earth Time...

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