The Mysterious Man

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The humanity have expanded to space, able to keep up with the life other beings across the galaxy, and possibly the universe. One of the ship belong with the ARCEF, the Spaceship Lancelot, are requested by the command to investigate Planet Gaios after losing contact with them. Upon arriving on the planet, the crew of Spaceship Lancelot have mysterious encounter during a lightning storm and now Emma gone missing. But she will be saved by an unknown person.

(Under Valley)

Inside a hideout within the valley, a cloaked man seems to be having a meal before hearing some noise.

???: What is that sound?

The man put the skewer away and walk out from the cave, inspect the area. Using his vision, the man can sees that an unfamiliar girl seems to be in trouble.

???: Why does weaklings like humans always get into trouble?

He quickly use his fast movement and head toward the area. Upon reaching the area, the man seems to be using a device at his right hand and summons a monster which blast a heat ray at another monster to save the girl before she gets eaten. The monster got hurt badly and quickly burrow underground in order to escape.

Emma: H-Huh...? It runs away...?

She slowly look forward and sees another monster that stand up right. Her vision gets blurry as soon as she sees a person come into view, seems to be jumping off from the monster's shoulder.

Emma: Wh-Who... is... that?

She loses her consciousness. The person walk to Emma, before carry her off from the area. The person walk back to the monster, and it suddenly disappear in the the of light which seems to change it into something else.


After looking the area without any leads of anything, Lance Speeder return back to the ship. When Zane and Kuma return to the ship, along with the twins, they are surprised when Azusa told them Emma was missing.

Zane: Argh! I should have bring that girl with me!

Kuma: Captain, don't blame yourself.

Zane: I'm not blaming myself... I'm blaming my wife for being such a curious person, and our daughter ended up inheriting that side.

Makoto/Kazuto: *sweatdrop* Sir...?

Zane: Did you try contacting her?

Azusa: I did. But there's no respond or anything.

Zane: Argh! Okay, we will be looking for her right now!

Kuma: Wait, Captain. I don't think it is a good idea. When at night, this planet is dangerous.

Zane: What do you mean?

Kuma: Before humanity reach this planet, there are other kind of life found here which more active at night. There are also certain species of Kaiju that seems to live here. That is why we need to stay here until the daylight came.

Azusa: As much as I hate this, but I agree agree Kuma-san. Emma-chan is a smart girl, she surely can find a place to hide until it is safe to come out.

Zane: *sigh* You better be right about this... If I lose my wife, I don't want to lose my daughter.

He walks away and look at the sky that slowly become dark through the pilot window. The crew look at him with worries.

Zane: *in mind* Emma... I hope you're okay.

(Time Skip)

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