Chapter nine

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May 13th, 2:00 a.m.

Pansy Parkinson had grown up in a pureblood family, one of the sacred twenty-eight, a lineage highly esteemed, especially in the new world order. Her family members were divided in their allegiance: some fervently supported the Dark Lord and his doctrine of pureblood superiority, while others, though not fond of Muggles, remained neutral and refrained from bowing to the new regime.

Despite these differences, all Parkinson's shared the pureblood heritage, a trait more prized than ever in the new era. Pansy's immediate family, her parents, and grandparents, had never been ardent followers or admirers of the Dark Lord. They might have shared his disdain for Muggle-born but had never intended to follow someone who exploited this view for his gain.

During her school days, particularly towards the end, Pansy had suggested handing Harry Potter over to the Dark Lord, hoping it would bring peace and spare Hogwarts from destruction. However, her plan failed. Voldemort confronted Harry Potter, who met a gruesome end, thus paving the way for the Dark Lord's ascension and a world dominated by darkness and fear.

Pansy had plans to marry a pureblood, ensuring the continuity of her lineage. She had found a suitable match, hoping to fulfill the societal expectation of marriage and progeny. Her relationship with Draco Malfoy had ended, but she hadn't lost hope. However, as the Dark Lord's reign spread, filled with destruction and hatred, her plans became futile. What was the point of marrying and raising children when survival was uncertain?

Like many others, Pansy joined the Dark Lord, pledging her allegiance for a better chance at survival. This decision, however, was not solely driven by self-preservation. There was a young man, someone who had captured her attention during her school years. She had harbored intense fantasies about him since her teenage years. Despite being in a relationship, she often found herself glancing at him during lessons, lying awake at night thinking about him. She wasn't alone; many girls, even some older than her, shared these feelings.

Pansy had always considered this behavior, both her own and that of other girls, as ridiculous and weak. As she matured, she felt increasingly ashamed of her infatuation. A grown woman should not fall so easily for a man, at least not if she respected herself. Yet, this man had a special talent for bringing women to their knees with a simple look, if not with his mere presence. His dark, twisted aura and intimidating power were irresistibly attractive.

Many believed they could change him, turn him into a gentleman devoted to making a woman happy. This delusion bordered on the absurd. Others would settle for a bit of attention, a few kind words, or a compliment. Some would even accept insults or harsh treatment, as long as they received some form of attention. Pansy fell somewhere in between.

Mattheo Riddle had cast a spell over her. Handsome, strong, brimming with confidence and ability, and the son of the Dark Lord, he was almost a prince in the new order. Many women threw themselves at his feet. Pansy wished she could enchant Mattheo, wrap him around her finger, and hope he might fall for her. But this was as unrealistic as the resurrection of dinosaurs.

Pansy and Mattheo weren't friends, but they had an understanding. Mattheo could have her whenever he liked. This arrangement wasn't based on any mutual feelings; if any feelings were involved, they were entirely one-sided. Pansy was infatuated with Mattheo, while Mattheo needed nothing more from her than to satisfy various physical desires. This worked only because Pansy could pretend she wanted nothing more. Otherwise, Mattheo would have made it clear he had no intention of wasting his time on anything more than physical pleasure or stress relief. Pansy wasn't foolish; if she couldn't win him over, she could at least enjoy his occasional attention until he inevitably grew bored.

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