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"He's beautiful isn't he?" The question was asked by a beautiful woman with black hair and green eyes holding a baby boy. Standing next to her was a man with white hair and blue eyes. "What should we name him Jake?" The woman asked the man who thought for a second.

"I think after my grandfather, Issei." The man told the woman who smiled at the same.

"Issei Hela, it's got a nice ring to it." The woman said as she looked into her baby's deep blue eyes. "Issei Hela, you are the future of the supernatural. You don't know yet but you will soon enough." The woman rubbed his cheek as the baby giggle at the woman.

"He will grow into a strong young man, just like his old man, he will make us proud Hela." The man told the woman who smiled.

"Yes he will Jake, he will make us both proud."

Time skip 7 years

"Mommy look." Hela was sitting with her husband inside there home as she looked outside and saw her son holding a flower. "It's for you, it pretty and it reminded me of you." Issei told his mother who walked out and knelt down and smiled.

"It's beautiful Issei, I love it." Issei walked over and put it in her hair. "Is mommy pretty now?" Hela asked her son who nodded.

"She always was." Issei told his mom as his father came behind him and tossed him in the air.

"Ok Prince Charming, let's get you some food." Jake told his son as they went inside and started to eat there food together.

Time skip later that night

Hela and Jake were watching tv downstairs together. They wanted to spend some time together while Issei slept.

"He still has not awaked his powers." Jake told his wife who looked back to him. "Do you think that him being so young will kill his power from him?"

"I don't believe so, I just think his god and human blood are still trying to bond together." Hela told her husband.

"MOM DAD." Issei ran downstairs laughing.

"What is it sweetie you should be asleep." Hela told her son who smiled.

"Look what I can do." Issei raised his hand and a dark green aura coated it as he flicked it at the wall and it caused an explosion.

"ISSEI." Hela grabbed her son right as the explosion went off.

"Well I guess his powers are here." Jake told his wife looking at the explosion as she used her magic to fix it.

"Mom, you have superpowers as well?" Issei asked his mom confused.

"Baby, there are things that mommy and daddy have not told you about, because we felt it wasn't the right time." Hela told her son who was confused.

"What have you not told me mom?" Issei asked his mother looking to his dad as well.

"Mommy is not who you think she is, I'm a goddess." Issei looked shocked and confused. "From Norse mythology. I am the goddess of death." Hela told her son as he looked to his dad.

"Don't worry your old man is a normal human." Jake told his son as she picked him up and sat down with him.

"Issei do you believe in the supernatural?" Hela asked her son who nodded. "Well it is real, devils, angels, fallen angels, dragons, gods. They are real and mom is from it, which makes you a Demi god. Your half god from me, and half human from your father. We wanted to wait till you showed signed of your powers. Now that you have shown us I am gonna train you to use them." Hela explained to her son whose eyes lit up.

High school dxd: The God of DeathWhere stories live. Discover now