Chapter 1

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The years after the Great War where quite, the new devil kings where crowned and Michael took over for God but his death was kept secret from the members of the churches. The new Devil kings had to try to find a way to fix the numbers of worriers they lost in the Great War along with the Angels and Fallen Angels. Issei watched them sometimes with the help of his pack, the Dragon queen Tiamat and the Norse mythology who where saddened to hear the death of Hela and her husband. They wanted to go after the 2 factions for there deaths but Issei requested they leave them alone for he will be the one to act personally if they got out of line again.

"Seems the Factions have seems to been active recently, what for I am not sure but it's something to look into I believe." This comment came from Tiamat as Issei was soaking in his nature spa in his back yard. "What is your opinion on this matter?" Issei continued to look over the hills down at a small town called Kouh with its beautiful night sky glowing bright.

"I am only interested in movement that can pose a potential threat to the balance my mother gave her life for and at the cost of my fathers." Issei reminded the dragon who stood next to the spa looking over the Mountain View.

"I understand your opinion Issei, I will be sure to keep you updated on any new information." Tiamat said bowing as she went inside to the cabin mansion Issei had built for him.

"This is quite the setup you have here Issei, if I didn't know any better I say you're trying to enjoy retirement a little too soon." Issei looked up and saw a handsome middle age man with brown hair and gold bangs in a formal outfit. "You're rather on the younger side."

"I am 2500 years old Azazel, I am not young at all, your older then me by like 150 years." Issei informed the Fallen Angel who chuckled and looked over the view.

"You are aware this town is run by devils, yes? Sirzechs and Searfall's little sisters. Sona Sitri and Rias Gremroy."

"Now let me ask you a question." Issei got out of the water and wrapped a towel around his waist and walked up to Azazel. "Where on my face did you get the idea I give a fuck?" Issei asked coldly as his eyes glowed a dark green. "Your lucky you chose to stay out of metaling in the other factions affairs, or I would have killed you as well." Issei told the Fallen Angel. "I actually like your kind surprising." Issei smiled as his eyes returned to normal. "It's late I will be getting some sleep, please feel free to enjoy the view." Issei said as he walked past Azazel and into his home.

"To think such a young Demi God to hold more power than God himself is truly unbelievable." Azazel's said shivering at the memory of Issei's eyes and aura. It was incredibly dark and evil.

"His mothers blood run deep inside him, he bleeds it with pride Azazel." Azazel looked back and saw Tiamat.

"Yes I am aware of this Tiamat, I would hope anyone is proud to be the offspring of such a powerful Goddess such as Hela. He is a spitting image of his father that's for sure."

"Yes his looks definitely throw people off when they learn of his identity, expecting him to look more like his mother then his father." Tiamat told
the leader as they both looked at the view. "Why did you come here Azazel, surely you didn't flying 100 miles to say hi to an old friend?" Tiamat asked him and he sighed.

"I wanted to see if he knew about the devils control over this town and its current situation, 5 humans have been found dead from stray devils over the last 2 months." Azazel told her much to her shock.

"You didn't think to tell this to Issei?" She asked him cocking an eyebrow.

"I tried but he kinda cut me short with a threat and walking away." Azazel told her and she sighed.

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