Chapter 2

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Issei dried his hair and went into the forest to see if he could find something that would answer what happened to Jake's family. After walking for a little bit he saw a destroyed village in the deep parts of the woods. "This must be where Jake was talking about, his village that was destroyed." Issei walked up to it and looked around and saw pictures and items that belonged to the people who once lived there. They had tents everywhere which is most likely where they stayed. "This definitely is not what I was expecting, they seemed more in touch with modern society then an ancient one. Then again it is the 21 century so I would hope that they where somewhat up to date with the world.

"CAAA CAAAA." Issei looked up and saw several crows looking down at him specifically.

"The hell do you fuckers want?" Issei snapped as they looked at each other then flew off. "That was creepy." Issei found what looked like the leaders tent and he walked in and saw the place trashed. Issei looked around and found a photo on the floor that was damaged but it showed Jake a little younger then he is now with what looks like his parents. His father was a well built man with black hair and blue eyes and his mother a beautiful woman with brown hair and gold eyes. Lastly he saw a girl who looked to be older than him by 2-3 years. "He seems to have an amazing family. I just wonder what would cause such destruction to such a small village." Issei did noticed the blood stains all over the floor and the in the tents. "Seems like the body's are not here. They where must likely taken." Issei grabbed a cup with a blood stain on it. "A little child having to witness his own parents death." Issei broke the glass in his hands as he looked up with his eyes glowing in fury. "When I find out who did this, they will only wish they were dead." Issei power flared causing a shockwave of air to shake the forest.

With Rias

Rias and everyone where inside the ORC talking with themselves about contracts and there overall training and school. "Ok everyone we are all doing incredibly well, all we need to do is is keep up the good work." Rias told everyone as they all nodded.

"Rias is right we are all doing great keep up the good w-."


a huge shockwave of air crashed into the club
Shaking it and making the windows explode as they felt a huge power surge inside the forest.

"What the hell was that?" Kiba asked as everyone lowered there hands and saw the damage and sensed the powerful dark aura.

"This aura, it's so dark and deadly, I can't breathe. The air it's so heavy." Rias told herself as everyone else felt the huge power serge and it was extremely dark and sinister.

"Such power, but from who?" Akeno asked herself as Rias and everyone looked to the forest.

"We have to go see what that was, everyone on me." Rias told her peerage as they all came together and teleported away.


Rias and everyone stepped out of the portal and looked around and saw they where taken to what looks like a small village inside the forest it looks abandoned. "This place looks abandoned so what gave off that scary aura?" Akeno asked Rias who looked around and saw no one.

"Spread out we might find something." Rias told her group as they did as they where told as they looked around and saw it was most likely a village that was attacked by the blood and missing people.

"Hmmmmm, I wonder who would attack a village inside the woods, looks like nothing supernatural to me. Then again this is Kouh anything can happen here." Kiba told himself as he looked around he didn't see Issei sitting on a branch above them with his arm resting on his leg.

"Seems like the Gremroy girl sensed my aura." Issei told himself as they continued to look until Issei sensed another aura and looked back and saw Jake. "Jake what the hell? How did he get out of the house?" Issei asked as he saw Jake run straight at Kiba.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21 ⏰

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