Sea Sides

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Hardtack/ Ship's Biscuit
What you will need:


Sea salt


Cup measures

oven/air fryer

Rolling Pin

Instructions: I am not very good at making ship biscuits however I do know how to make them. First you will need to get one to two cups of water depending on how much flour you use. You mix the cup of water or two cups of water with a cup or two of flour in your bowl then you add sea salt for flavoring and knead it until it appears as dough. Once you have your dough you roll it with a rolling pin or if you are like myself and it just turns into a batter you just add it to your baking tray. Once rolled or while it is baking and if again it just turns into biscuit on its own from the heat while in the oven or air fryer, you get a fork and poke holes into the dough this makes the steam of the baking process more efficiently let out. Once the dough is on the tray and is in its form you want it in which probably is just a cookie shape with holes you add them to the tray with the biscuits into the oven at 250 degrees for about an hour. Once the biscuit is a hard golden brown and is hard as a cracker it is ready for eating. Most people say that hardtack does not go bad and can last centuries however in my own experience yes they can rot and mold but i am an amateur on the subject of ship biscuits and so perhaps others may be able to create this survival bread easier.

Fries and pea sandwich
What you will need: white slices of bread
Potatoes,green peas,vegetable oil, frying pan ,stove,kitchen knife, bowl,tap water

Instructions: peel one to two potatoes and then cut the potatoes into halves then slice the halves into halves and slice vertically with knife . Put the chopped potatoes into a bowl of water and let it sit while that is happening turn on stove to medium to low heat add vegetable oil when oil started to boil add the chopped potatoes from the bowl into the pan and let it fry for 12-15 minutes. Once the potatoes are done lightly salt them. Sea salt works best. As for the peas,canned peas will work and just microwave them. Once peas and fries are done get two breaded buns or slices of bread and top the condiments into the middle of the breads and here we have a nice sandwich to go with the fish.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2024 ⏰

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