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Jisung POV

"Please, please, please, Channie!" I whined. I even had ahold of his forearm as I hopped up and down- hopeful he would give into Changbin's text.

"No." Chan said sternly, but I wasn't giving up.

"But- I'm supposed to be going out more- looking for a wife..." I argued, even as the word made my skin crawl unpleasantly.

"Not to billiards halls. There's nothing there of interest." Chan countered giving me a withering look. "Now- you should sleep." He suggested.

"All I do is sleep." I grumbled. "Since Dr. Kim decided to help me with my dream walking, I've had six naps over two days. Chan- I'm wide awake and bored." I let go of him, pacing the room. I picked up and apple out of the fruit bowl and bit into it. "Billiards might be fun- you like playing, right?"

"I'm on duty."

"When aren't you?" I rolled my eyes, talking as I chewed.


"No." I pouted, throwing the apple. Chan caught it easily and lifted it to his mouth, taking a bite. "Dammit, Chan- I want to go. I am an adult. I am your boss and I order you to take me." I commanded haughtily, realizing I sounded very much like a child.

"Where are we going?" Dr. Kim- I mean, Seungmin's, calm voice asked as he wandered into the room.

"Out." I said as way of explanation- "go get dressed."

"But-" Chan mumbled around the mouthful of apple he chewed.

"No buts- You and Dr.. I mean Seungmin will be with me. Annd Binnie is already there- even if he's off duty-he'll keep an eye on things- and he said it was very chill."

"Give me ten!" Seungmin called as he disappeared from the room to go change from his seemingly ever-present lab coat.

"Fine." Chan grumbled. But only for an hour."

"Three." I bargained, stepping closer to him.

"One and a half." He ordered, watching me intently as I got closer.

"Two." I countered, jutting out my chin. I was only a few inches away from him and I could see the vein in his neck twitch with annoyance.

He swallowed and I watched his Adam's apple bob slowly. When he spoke, it came out hushed. "Two. Not a moment more." He agreed.

I smiled and hugged him quickly before bouncing off to figure out what to wear to a billiards hall- no, a bar "A bar!" I thought giddily.

Twenty minutes later, the three of us were in one of the sleek black sedans my father had for security to chauffer the family around in.  I looked down at myself in the backseat- were I sat at Chan's insistence. I'd settled on an outfit my favorite cousin, Hwa had gotten me for my birthday- I just hadn't had anywhere to wear it yet. The black leather pants were tight, but stretchy. The black button up was like silk and I'd added a belt at my waist. I was feeling...good about my choice. When I stepped out of the bathroom after putting on cologne, Chan's eyes widened comically.

"What?" I had asked, worried I had fastened my shirt crooked. I looked down, smoothing my clothes- not finding a problem.

He simply shook his head in disbelief. 

Seungmin's response had been... different.

"Well, damn, Prince- If you're looking to get laid tonight, you chose correctly." He smirked. His words made my cheeks flame. That was not my intention at all. I started toward the closet to change, but his hand on my wrist stopped me. "Don't you fucking dare." He smiled and pulled me outside to the waiting car.

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