Port Angeles

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Edward wasn't at school today, it was extraordinarly sunny for this town.

It only fueled my suspicioun as to what he was. Out of sheer stupidity, I'd called Penelope, and casually asked her what she was.

A vampire.

Well, duh. It all made sense now, sort of. Weren't vampires' supposed to be solitary creatures?
Not supposed to travel in large covens, or whatever.

How strange.

We listened to whiny rock songs while we drove to Port Angeles. Jessica's date with Mike had gone very well, and she was hoping that by Saturday night they would have progressed to the first-kiss stage.

I smiled to myself, pleased. Angela was happy to be going to the dance, but not really interested in the idea of being with Eric.

Jess tried to get her to confess who her type was, but I interrupted with a question about dresses after a bit, to spare her. Angela threw a grateful glance my way.

I'd been to Port Angeles before, with both Charlie and Penelope. I preferred Seattle or Forks to it, honestly. It was really just a tourist trap.

The dance was billed as semiformal, and we weren't
exactly sure what that meant. Both Jessica and Angela seemed surprised and almost in shock when I told them I'd never been to a highschool dance.

"Didn't you ever go to one in Phoenix?"

"I mean, Freshman homecoming. But that wasn't really a dance." Mainly because Cara snuck beer in, and threw up everywhere. It was quite embarrassing.

"Didn't you ever go with a boyfriend, or something?"

"Nope. I've only had one boyfriend my entire life, and that lasted for about five months." I shuddered at the thought of Jared.

"Oh," Angela said, clearly noticing how I held myself differently.

Once we reached the doors, all thoughts of me were forgotten. Which, wasn't a bad thing.

As Angela and Jessica scanned the dress racks, I waited patiently as they browsed and tried on various dresses.

The whole ordeal would've bored me in general. But knowing I was with my friends made it seem fun.

Jess was torn between two — one, being a long, strapless, basic black piece that complimented her figure. The other a knee-length electric blue with spaghetti straps. I encouraged her to go with the blue; why not play up the eyes?

Angela chose a pale pink dress that draped around her frame nicely and brought out honey tints in her light brown hair. I complimented them both immensely and helped by returning the rejects to their racks.

The whole process was much shorter and easier than
similar trips I'd taken with Cara and Spencer.

Angela chose a pair of light pink heels that matched the dress she picked out perfectly, "I think I'll get these. Though, I won't be able to wear them with anything but this."

"Get them," I encouraged, "They're even on sale."

She nodded in agreement, and the room suddenly felt tight. I felt as if I was being watched, and against proper logic, I decided to wander around the city.



"I'm gonna walk around, see if I could find a bookstore or something." Yes, going to a bookstore was a fine idea. I could get Allison a book for her birthday, and I'd get the rest while I was in Seattle.

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