Border: Day One ☾

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As I put the paper down I felt a sharp pain coming from the back of my head as I fell to the ground the pain was to much to handle I tried not to scream out of pain as I bit my hand trying to distract myself from it my nose began to bleed. I struggle with the pain as I tossed and turned on the floor. I was wondering why my head hurt so much. As I groan in pain I heard something coming from my brain as if someone wanted to communicate with me.

Y/n... Y/n! I heard the words it took me sometime to realize that the voice was from heesung. I didn't know how he got in my mind but it gave me a headache.

What are you doing in my mind? I said out loud as I opened my eyes wiping the blood of my nose.

You've made it! You heard his voice again in your head.

It's been almost three days without you being by my side!

Get out of my mind! I said trying to ignore him. I stood up and sat on the chair.

We are connected... Wonder why?

Why am I alive! I killed myself! I remember shooting a bullet through my head how did I manage to survive something like that? I asked him.

I saved you!..... I saved you from dying in my arms! Y/n why would you try to kill yourself? I love you so much you can't die without my permission! You can't go anywhere without my permission! You are mine nobody can have you, only I can have you to myself.... You are mine!.....

I heard his words as I noticed now why he did this to me. "You're a psychopath!" I said as I stood up walking out to the balcony. You jumped off as you tried getting away from there you walked a few feet away almost entering the forest.

Come back! You heard his voice once again. You turned around to see him standing there looking at you from the balcony. He was looking at you. You heard his voice as he called for you. You didn't understand what has altered your brain as your body turned around in your direction. You started walking back but you didn't know why as you got closer. You tired to stop your body physically but it was useless as your body was not under your control anymore. As you arrived as the main entrance the doors opened and your body moved in as you looked around you saw Heesung standing at the top of the stairs leaning on the railing while looking at you.

Welcome back my love! He said with a smirk.

Why can't I control my body? You said to yourself as you look at your hands.

Because of me! You heard his voice again running through your brain. I can control your body as to hear your inside voice. He said as he started heading down the stairs. As he got to the bottom of the stairs he headed towards you as he got closer he took your hand pulling you close to him.

I've missed you so much! He whispered.

You won't believe me when I locked myself up in your room as it was the only thing that had your scent in i spend day and night waiting for you... Because I love you and I want to spend the rest of my eternity with you!

I don't feel the same way! Sorry but I don't love you and I'll never will. You took his hand of your body as you backed away.

Let me change that! He said as he got closer to you again.

How? You literally made my life miserable! I have taken my life because there was no hope of me escaping you and the others! I just wanted to live a normal life! But you destroyed it. I said calmly.

I became a monster... I became a vampire when I least expected it to happen, Why won't you let me go? I asked him as I looked at him in the eyes.

You're mine ever since I since Niki mentioned you I been obsessed with you. You are the only girl I had set me eyes on! You're the only one that makes me go crazy by just looking at me. Please let me show you how good I am! Let me show you that I am better than any man out there! Let me show you that I'm the one for you!

But you already did! I said. I pushed him off with a disgusted look.

You showed me that total opposite of that! You were the reason why i regret living!

Heesung looked at you with no explanation he tried to get close once again but you finally slapped him. He press his hand again his check as he gave you once last look before he pushed you to the wall holding your neck.

How can I change this hobby of you trying to slap me and the others? His grip became tight but you quickly moved his hands off throwing a punch in face. He quickly felt to the ground as he touched his jaw.

That's all? He said as he stood up.

No. You replied you tried to walk away as you headed to the door but he pulled you back dragging you upstairs. He made sure you didn't get out of his grip as he took you to your room. He threw you in the bed as he closed the door behind him.

Do you want to know something? He said as he walked over to the balcony door and shut them close.

I spent decades trying to find the one I won't spend another decade trying to find the one again. He open the door and closed it from behind him locking the door.

You tried to get out of bed but you felt a sharp pain coming from your lower belly you looked down to see a small silver dagger stuck inside. As the pain became stronger It prevented your from moving your body. You didn't understand how heesung has inserted it as you were to distracted trying to get from his grip. You tried to remove it but it hurts so bad that you didn't even want to move it. You played in your bed as you for some reason keep on bleeding. Yo assumed vampires didn't bleed but it was the total opposite or not?

At the point the pain was unbearable. You tried to breath but you kept on getting interrupted as the pain hit every second with made you groan in pain. All you could hear is your self trying to bare the pain. There's wasn't anything you could do as if you tried to move you it would hurt so bad.

Please!.... You tried moving the Dagger but it didn't help as you let out a scream as more blood came out your body. Fuck! You scream out loud you couldn't handle it anymore. Who knows how much time has I t passed but the pain wasn't stopping or calming down it just kept on going.

You heard the door unlocked as you turn your head towards the door you saw Niki entering with a bag in his hand.

He came closer to your bed as he sat next to you. He opened the bag taking out a vaccine injection something into your arm he took one last look at your eyes as you vision got blurry and blackout.

Niki proceeded to take out scissors cutting up your clothes moving them out the way. He took off the dagger and began to sew up your wound before it bleed out even more. He wrapped a big bandage around your waist tying it up preventing it from getting lose. He made sure to clean up his supplies and to burn off your clothes stained with blood that you where wearing. Afterwards he covered up your body with a plain white sheet as he sat in the chair waiting for you to finally wake up.

Sorry for not uploading a new chapter....

(This chapter is shity bc I haven't uploaded daily! Don't worry they become better later on!....)

Word count:1399

Word count:1399

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