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Community: Every community but mainly Raid boss Destiny
Height: 6.4ft
Age: ((Depends on game but for RBD's sake)) around his first 1000
Role: Spellblade ((MY FUCKING BOI))

Born into a middle class family he was gifted with a grand ability with his blade, but after a tragity with a illusionist, his lover, and his own sword. he vowed never to use a conventional sword again ((While he was sane (: )) and instead became a Spellblade ((Which is technically a swordmancer but we ain't gonna talk about RBD's lack of understanding of what a spell blade actually is)). But he already showed profiecency in his magic, he avenged his lover before being detained in time by the god of luck, Jericho

Sanity: He is so broken please do not hurt him more mentally ):>

He nearly killed gods themselves and threatened to destroy reality. Sealed away however via the power of Crash, god of chaos. Oblivion, the Greatest god-slayer. And Jericho. God of Luck.

He is the brother of a timehopper named 08Aubie ((My actual brother, do not friend him he is basically never on instead its his friend.))

He gets along with his warden in a somewhat ironic turn of events, Lady Antic, Goddess of Judgement. ((The one who ORDERED the trio to detain him))

He despises the trio with a burning fucking passion ((Wonder why)). He also hates specifically one human. Sinister or Endangeredtrex as he is called.

He now uses his sword and his spellblade swords, His sword is known as "Event Horizon" which he made in the middle of a black hole he created.

((Yea I got a ego problem when i first made him like 3 years ago, so be it!))

Still to this day morns the death of his love he killed due to the illusionist ((The illusionist made his love look like his parents who tried to kill him... Yea lovely...)) The name of the love was a Spellweaver by the name of Stella, which is why he is much kinder to the Stella in my book on my dynamico account. ((Altho u don't know that cus I LOST THE FUCKING ACCOUNT AHUBACILCEK ACNHUGYAUCIHKMB#IL*O))

"Rising a parliament of slaves. Broken hearted, never to be saved. Lost in the darkness and the waves! Cower, for the stars shall be your graves!"

"No one here to hear your cry's... when I TAKE your soul and lives! I'm the dark at the end of the tunnel! I am the end of all your hopes! For the dark unending! For a world of misery and strife! For the roads that only lead to the highway! For the time i'm RENDING! For eternal miserable life! For the soulless graceless seeing my way!"

in conclusion, when you as a illusionist in your next dnd session break someone mentally by making them kill a friend of theirs and they escape, do not be surprised when they turn into the final boss.

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