Dark Matter Commander

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Community: TDS

A very aggressive and hostile commander, even to his own unit

Older twin of Phantom Commander

Treats others with the amount of respect he is given. Which is often very little.

Age: 54
Height: 7.3ft ((The stand is seperate, the stand would add like 1ft))
Sanity: Kinda the calm insanity kinda way

"Sir. What are you making?"
"Just some art"
"pfff, modern art?"
"I prefer the way I am going to mutilate the enemies if they don't talk."

Only really kind to eclipse commander ((possible ship?????????????????)) Due to the fact she got cheated on with Valentines Accelerator a while back

Gets alone neutrally with his adopted son, Phantom scout.

"Dad, shut the fuck up! I am not shooting them!"
"Why? They wont talk so just shoot them dead!"

Voicelines for call to arms:

He would sound a lot more evil version of phantom commander

"Bring them to their knees!"

"Eradicate these pathetic flesh-bags!"

"Not one spared!"

"Bring the pain!"


"Enough of this!"

Has multiple things he uses for torture and interrogation ((Aka his own mental pleasure))

A Syringe gun that can inflict a sort of suggestibility liquid, a fast acting acid, a slow acting acid, a internal detonation ((Literally causes whatever part of your body effected by it to just explode, on the spot)), a sedative, and adrenaline.

His pistol doesn't actually kill the target but instead inflicts a intense electircal shock to cause people to be just on deaths door

And a blindfold in his pocket for shits and giggles

He is often known as "The psychomander"

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