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((Bet u never seen HER before bitches! That's cus shes new! Share ur snacks and invite her to ur party's (: ))

Age: 18 ((just old enough for some of u wattpaders out there, ya I see you jackass you ain't slick.))
Height: 7.1ft ((Yea She just better like that))
Community: Tdx ((Yea its a Tds model of frost blaster but stfu. I have fun))

Born on snowy mountains as calamity was invading, she was hired to the GDA as a high ranking Commandress for cold combat!

Boasts a powerful ice cannon that explodes on contact with enemies into icey shrapnel!

Placement limit: 1

Top path goes for more shrapnel and support

Bottom path goes for something similar to railgunners top path but with a ability that makes all towers in range able to freeze enemies

Was once dating a golden ranger before he had to leave for the first endless mode game. ((Didn't make it back, Apex predator moment))

Great friends with a bunch of the XWM turrets.

Most other towers find her a tad weird.

Freezers usually respect her to a extent.

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