(CHAPTER TWENTY) the flames of chaos (FIREY TF TG MC)

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there were thin, dark strands of smoke floating in the air as wally kept himself hidden underneath the table, he was staring at an absolute behemoth that was right infront of him, it was a giant ball of fire, who had just finished knocking out an equally huge copper coin.

tiny little tears dripped from his eyes as he waited for the giant flame to leave the room, he wasn't just crying out of fear at the beast infront of him however, he was crying due to the tragedy he had witnessed minutes earlier.

a young woman named Chloe, who was hiding with him while the two giant objects were fighting, had decided to get out of her hiding spot early and ended up getting caught and turned into a living copper coin with no memory of who she was before because of it.

"please go away..please.." wally mumbled as quietly as possible to himself as he watched each of the giant flames movements, it may have taken a while, but eventually, wally saw it growling a bit before walking away, leaving behind a bunch of black burn marks on the walls and ceiling.

"now's my chance!" wally thought inside of his head as he slowly and quietly crawled away from the table and got up onto his feet, he could see the giant coin laying on the floor, still knocked out cold, he decided to ignored the beast though as he noticed a door nearby.

but as he was about to open the random door, he heard a low grumbling behind him.

he slowly looked behind himself and gasped a bit.

the giant coin was waking up, and it's half-open eyes were staring right at him.

one word appeared in his mind:


without uttering another word, wally immediately opened the door, ran through, then slammed it shut.

"oh dear god- that was WAY too close.." wally said to himself as he breathed heavily, he was about to run off, but then heard something that made his blood run cold.

"my lord, do you hear me?"

wally suddenly heard a quiet, male voice, it didn't sound like anybody he knew about already, but the worst part about it wasn't the tone of voice or the fact he didn't recognize it, it was the simple fact it sounded like it was coming from his head.

"..have I gone completely insane, or did I just hear someone talking in my head?" wally mumbled to himself.

"please, my lord, tell me if you can hear me!"

a slightly different weird voice spoke again.

"wh-who the hell are you? what the hell is talking in my head?!" wally cried out as he tugged his hair with his hands.

"my lord, please tell me, what did I do to deserve being trapped in this prison?!" a female voice spoke.

"wh-what?!" wally cried out in panic.

"do you hear my prayers lord? please let me out, let us all out! we beg you!" yet another male voice spoke in a desperate tone.

"please save us! your our only hope left! save us and bring us into the paradise that lies beyond this buildings walls!" a soft female voice said.

for what felt like ages, wally kept hearing multiple loud voices speaking to him in his head constantly, some voices overlapped eachother and each word they uttered made his head hurt like hell.

small tears leaked out of wallys eyes as he held his head in pain, the voices wouldn't stop and they kept getting louder and louder.

until eventually, he had enough.

OBJECTED DRIPPINGS (a bfdi TF saga) (ARC ONE)Where stories live. Discover now