Chapter 13

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As I crawled down the hole to access the waterfall, I could feel the bottles rattling on my back and the walls scratching the side of my arms, I could feel the smell of the water entering my nostrils and burning them as the sent got prominent. I finished my descent and approached the water; I was once again amazed at the reflections on the water that seemed to be dancing with the current. I filled each bottle, but each time I looked down at the bottom of the lake I had the impulse to get in the water and go touch one of the stones that remained at the bottom of the lake. I knew very well that I shouldn't do it, since I didn't know my resistance to Gems, but at the same time I could feel a pull as if the Gems were singing for me to come to them, the water seemed to amplify that need I had, because I had already been in presence of Gems and as much as they were tempting to touch, the pull had never been this intense.

I dived one of my hands in the water and as I felt it move around my skin, I only had one desire, pull up on of the Gems to the surface to see if it would shine just as brightly on the earth than under the surface. They whispered to me, telling me to join them under the surface, as much as I wanted to I could feel something pulling me back and making my body stands still as my brain was begging for me to dive in. I heard a crash behind me which broke my trance, I turned and saw Eisma who had fallen a little after the tunnel, she smiled awkwardly as she realized, I had seen her. I knew that feeling well, to help her get out of that awkward moment I smiled back at her and took the bottles to go join her. Apparently, she hadn't come to bring me back to eat or something like that, she told me that she was sorry for her reaction yesterday and that she hadn't wanted to hurt my feelings, but that she had been surprised by my reaction the other day. I smiled relieved and told her not to worry and that it wasn't going to happen again. If I needed to get to the point where I needed to eat a Skisla flower to uphold that promise, I would do it.

As I started advancing towards her, I could still see her first reflect which was to take a step back, I felt a throbbing sensation of pain riveting through my body, I saw a yellow aura circling around my feet as the feeling of fear and confusing I felt meaning from her got worst. I could tell she was trying to calm down and that she wasn't doing it on purpose, but it still hurt. I advanced through the pain to get to her and to try to help her calm down, I knew that if I wanted to I could just brush her aura off as if it was a small insect, but my subconscious probably felt like I deserved it since I didn't do anything except endure. I decided that the sooner I helped her calm down the better it would be for us both, I arrived next to her and tried to guide her respiration. She didn't seem to be able to control her aura, as it was still climbing up my legs and trying to inflict as much pain as possible, its natural and I could totally understand. I then remembered a trick my mother had used on me and my sister when we were impossible to calm, she would place her hands on our back and insert some of her aura as to neutralize ours. Most of the time it worked, and we would calm down, sometimes we would even fall asleep if the dose was too intense. I tried to replicate what my mother had done and placed my hands on Eisma's back, it was my first time trying to guide my aura throughout somebody else's body and I didn't know how much aura would simply calm her down and how much would make her fall asleep. I sat down next to her and patted the space next to me as to tell her to do the same thing. She looked at me with confusion painting her eyes, she still sat down next to me and positioned herself as to be facing the same wall as me. I told her "Close your eyes until I tell you to open them get it?", "yes" she whispered as her aura gained in power due to her stress. I places my hands on her back and started breathing in and out, I could feel my own aura rising in my hands, they were covered with a dark blue like aura that changed from burgundy to a dark blue. I could also see some spots of blood red spreading as it did every time, I got angry, it started as a pretty color but as I lost control it became blood red like my eyes. This time however, I managed to keep my emotions under control, and it stayed a mixture of dark blue, red and burgundy. I could see it envelop my arms before reaching my hands and finally Eisma's back. I could feel her relaxing and the fear going away, I suspected her reaction to be due to past trauma, after all no one could develop in a day a reaction that intense after only seeing me twist somebody else's arm. She turned towards me and murmured "thanks, I owe you one", I couldn't help but smile while I answered, "you're welcome, that's what friends do right?". I couldn't really tell if she considered me as a friend, but I still took a chance to assess the situation. I looked at her and saw that the smile that appeared both in her face and in her eyes didn't falter as she answered "right!". I let go of a nervous chuckle and she started laughing, whether it was at me or the situation I could tell, but her laughter was so honest that I couldn't stop myself from following her lead and started laughing. She tried to maintain a serious face for a second but failed and started laughing again, we didn't have a particular reason to laugh like that, but it felt good to be able to finally relax. We stayed like this for about twenty minutes before heading back to the cavern, at that point, my face was red from all the tears of laughter my eyes had let out.

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