Chapter Fourteen (Alana) *TW*

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Ages: 14-15


King's Landing, Westeros

We waved off my father and mother in their carriage as they set away to go and visit my Uncle Stannis in Storm's End. Mother says Gendry and I are old enough to decide if we want to stay home in the castle or accompany them on trips. Of course Gendry and I will take any opportunity to stay behind in the castle.

Joffrey, Myrcella and Tommen were forced to go with Mother and Father. Joffrey of course nearly had a tantrum over it, while Gendry flipped him off when Mother wasn't looking. But my father saw it and nearly snapped Gendry's finger right off his hand.

"Treat your brother with respect." Father grumbled at him and when I started to smile he pointed at me and tried to be firm but it failed. I'm his little princess. I always have been and always will be.

Once we got back into the castle, Gendry went right to the Throne Room that apparently once used to be a frightening room. That's what my Uncle Jaime tells me. It used to be filled with the skulls of dragons and had a dark feeling that consumed you the moment you stepped into it the windows had been blacked out with curtains and only candles could provide light into the room.

When my father became king he tore the curtains down and had the dragon skulls moved to the tunnels that lead to the dungeons below the castle. My mother told him just days into their marriage that she missed the gardens of Casterly Rock... My father wanted her to feel at home as much as possible so he had greenery placed to decorate every inch of the castle. He wanted every room to be bright and joyful. He wanted my mother to never feel fear or darkness in that castle. I only hoped that someday someone would love me that much.

Gendry climbed the steps of the dais and then plopped down onto the Iron Throne. Throwing his legs over the sides of it and taking my father's crown and putting it on his head. A smirk on his face. "Bend the knee, peasant."

"You're acting like Joffrey." I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Father would throw you across the room if he saw you sitting like that and wearing his crown."

Quickly he took the crown off and placed it back on the pillow it had been sitting on next to the throne. Sitting up straight and then cocking his head to the side. Nodding for a moment and then smiling.

"I can't believe I'll be king someday." He said happily. "Mother said I was born nearly twenty minutes before you."

"Liar." I muttered. "It was like five minutes."

Gendry tossed his head back again and laughed. Gods, he looks and sounds exactly like our father. Which makes me happy... Because someday there will be another generation of people in the realm who will never have known Robert Baratheon but they will know my brother Gendry Baratheon. They will know a king twice as wonderful as my father. Twice as generous and twice as loving.

Which may be hard to accomplish because in my eyes? My father is the best there can be. Sure, he started a rebellion but I would have too if Aerys Targaryen had wanted my head and my best friend's head and ordered us dead over something so stupid. Plus, Rhaegar kidnapped Lord Eddard's sister and she died from illness while being held captive. My father knew what he was fighting for. A better world.

"Is that what Daddy told you?" Gendry loved mocking me and calling me a baby all the time because of how close I am with our father. "Your future husband is going to hate you."

"And your future wife won't hate you?" I crossed my arms at him. "Did father tell you who your wife is going to be?"

He nodded. "Roslin Frey."

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