Chapter Twelve (Alana)

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Three Years Ago


            The snow finished falling early this morning as the sun began to rise in the sky. A perfect blanket of it covered the grass just enough but some leaves still poked through. The trees were something only captured in paintings and tapestries.

            This morning after getting Jacerys up and out of bed for his lessons with Maester Wolken and Saera off to her lessons with the Septa I noticed Robb was nowhere to be found. Which means there is only one place he could be.

            I wrapped my warmed cloak on and went by myself down to the Gods Woods, where I knew I'd find him. Listening to the sound of icicles falling gently from branches and into the stream as the snow crunched under my boots.

            King's Landing was never like this.

            And certainly never this quiet either.

            Robb was standing under the weir wood tree with his father's sword in his hands. Holding the pommel while the blade touched down into the ground. Muttering prayers under his breath for only he and the Old Gods to hear.

            "I remember the first time I saw this beautiful place." I said softly as Robb picked his head up and smiled at me. "Your mother was showing me around when I came to Winterfell, back when she liked me-"

            "She still likes you."

            "You're not supposed to lie in front of the Gods." I cut him off gently with a smile. I looked at the tree that was looking back at me. Tilting my head slightly to the side. "We had a Gods Wood in King's Landing outside the Red Keep. No one used it but it was cared for. Father made sure of it. I think he always knew he wanted your father to come and visit or stay there or... Something. He'd always look out the window and say that Ned would love it there..."

            A gentle nod from my husband. "But you'd never been before a weir wood until you came here?"

            "Not until I came here." I repeated back. "I gave up the Seven when I married you. Your mother told me she had to kiss the New Gods goodbye when she wed your father. You Stark men always get your way, don't you?" I elbowed him jokingly.

            Robb chuckled and then sheathed the sword and swung it over his shoulder. Wearing it across his back. I don't know how he does it because I can hardly even lift the damn blade. He took my hands into his and kissed the top before placing both his hands onto the sides of my stomach.

            "Another boy, I hope." He muttered softly. "It's what I pray for..."

            "I do too." I said softly.

            He looked back at the tree and his happiness faded away. "I come out here often and I think about him. How many years it's been and what person he would have been if he was still here. Would he love us? Would he be proud? I... I just don't know."

            "We will never know." Swallowing hard and doing my best not to cry. "Life is not about the what if's and what may's. It's about living in the moment and never forgetting who you truly are and where you come from. You are more than what you have become, Robb."

            A pause from my husband as he nodded in agreeance. "I'm going to be a better husband... It's what you deserve. I know I must earn back all your trust, which I am thankful to the Gods that you're even allowing me another chance. It's not right what I did to you."

BLIZZARD: The Little Wolf VOL 8 (ROBB STARK X OC)Where stories live. Discover now