Part 1 The Archer

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Garroth Ro'Meave, the head guard of the royal army. A man with power, but he wasn't exactly wealthy. As the noble knight he was, he rejected all the money he could because he believed helping people shouldn't be a chore, it should be the knights will that drives them to help others.

As he walked through the forest he felt at peace. Not knowing an ever watchful eye was watching his every move.

??? pov
Finally a knight, and a wealthy looking one at that.

I sat on a branch hidden in the towering spruce tree. I let out a bird call, signaling everyone else in the trees that i was about to attack. After hearing a response, I silently grabbed one of my arrows and set it in its place, ready to shoot. As I closed one eye about to aim and let go, he was...missing?!


"What do you think you're doing?"

A deep male voice asked beside me. A shiver went down my spine.


I looked to my left and saw a fully armored knight crouching beside me. To say I was shocked was an understatement.

I quickly pulled out my diamond sword and held it up to his neck. The man let out a hearty laugh.

"You do realise I'm in armor, right?" I could feel his smug smirk. I wanted to punch his ugly face.

I unclipped the part of his armor holding his helmet to his body, and slipped the cold blade under it. I felt small vibrations and I could tell I reached his neck, I felt vibrations because of his breathing. It was heavier breathing, he was either nervous or tired from climbing the tree.


He grabbed my arm and flipped me over him and I started falling. I quickly grabbed him and brought him down with me.

We landed with a huge thud and I was sitting on his abdomen.

"You don't speak?" He questioned. I just rolled my eyes and started to attack him. I attempted to plunge the sword through his thick skull, but he moved and it only got stuck in the ground.

He managed to pull out his own sword and was now about to hit me. I rolled off of him and grabbed my sword.

Darn it

The sword was very stuck.

I quickly scurried into the forest and hid silently. He looked around and I pulled out my bow. I placed an arrow on the quiver
(If that's the right terminology)
I pulled back and released. The beautiful arrow cut through the air with grace and elegance. Watching arrows fly always put a smile on my face.

The arrow was stopped mid air when the knight grabbed it. He looked right in my direction and I froze.


I placed my gloved hands over my mouth and whistled.

And coming to the rescue was Laurence, Dale, and Zenix.

They each fought against the knight at once.

Sure it was unfair, but frankly I don't give a crap.

Zenix and Laurence grabbed his arms and Dale had the knight in a headlock. Dale held the sides of his helmet and I could feel a panicked aura surround the knight.

I walked out of my hiding spot and stood in front of the four men. I crossed my arms over my chest and eyed Dale. I gave a simple nod and Dale lifted the helmet.

His blonde hair fell down and shook as the helmet revealed his chiseled features. Ice blue eyes that were filled with anger as he glared at me. His jaw line was perfect, it looked sharp, as if it would cut any delicate finger that decided to graze it. Resting on his chin was a 5 o'clock shadow that made him even more handsome.

I felt my breath hitch.

It's been awhile since I've seen such a handsome face

I shook the thoughts and looked at Zenix. He was obviously smirking. I glared at him and he just chuckled quietly.

I gestured Dale to come over to me. He did as I asked and leaned so I could whisper.

"Bring him back to base, its almost midday so people will be walking by, and if they see us they might inform authorities"

Dale nodded and grabbed some rope we had hidden in a tree log. They tied him up and started to drag him away.

At the base

Garroths pov
The four mysterious men sat me in a dark room. I was sitting at a table, and in front of me was one of them.

I knew it was the one that first attacked me because if the eyes, this man had eyes that seemed to look a little...feminine. Which I find strange, but I'm not one to judge.

"What's your name?"

Another man appeared from the shadows and looked at me with disgust.

"Like I would tel-"

I felt the coldness of a blade suddenly beginning to press on my neck.

"I-it's Garroth"

The man sitting in front of me tapped the table once.



Another single tap

"How would you like to become a member of our band of thieves?"

"Why on earth would I join you?! I am loyal to the kingdom!"

"It's either be on the team or become a prisoner!"

I gulped and looked at the man sitting in front of me. I looked down as far as the blade would allow me.


"Great!" The blade was free from my neck and I was untied.

I was harshly pushed down a hall and into a room. Inside was a bed, a mirror, a dresser and a window.

"This, is your new room. Oh...and don't think about leaving, its a bad move"

"Right..." I sighed.

Welp, I'm screwed.

A/N Yes, I am re-writing this book! Idk, I was reading through the first through chapters and it was really crappy. So hopefully these will be better. I love you all devils!! Byeee

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