Part 52 Another Time Skip

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A/N only three more months so its been four months

Garroths pov
How can I not know how to get rid of these guards so I can get to the well long enough to see what's going on??? I need back up...but who?

Aphmaus pov
Four months.
Four. Months.
Four months ago he left.
Four months ago he proposed.
Four months ago I said yes.
Four months ago he upped and left without saying goodbye.
Four months ago he hurt me
Three months ago he sent me a letter confirming he was alright
Has he sent another letter? A 'how-ya-doin' postcard? No.
Nope he left. Is he coming back? Who knows? I certainly don't.


At the current time, I was shooting arrows each arrow I shot I thought a different sentence.


"I was wondering if I could head to Pikero to pick up some special equipment for us. They have the best arrows and I know how we're running low."

"Fine, but...don't be gone for too long"

He smiled and gave me a nod. His light brown hair shook from the movement. Soon he walked off into the woods. I turned back to the practice dummy's who all had arrows lining their bodies.

Laurences pov
Off to Pikero! They have awesome stuff!

Except I am worried about Garroth and R.H. I mean where did Garroth go? Why did he go? When will he be back? I mean it's been...what...four months now? Man, my bro better pull through and have an amazing excuse.

Three days later

I finally arrived! I walked into the village and it was swarmed with O'Khasis guards. Funny, I remember this being a happy village full of music and laughter! But, there's no children playing. No music singing through my ears. The only sound is the clanging of armor.

"Hey! There's a curfew! You're not allowed to be out after this time!" One guard growled. I rolled my eyes and went straight to the inn.

"Hello sir, I would like a room"

"Of course it's...twenty diamonds per night but eh....I know this is forced so you can have it for free" his eyes twinkled with kindness. I didn't have the money so I gave my thanks and went to my room. What I saw in the hallway...was...shocking!

There stood

Only a few feet in front of me

Looking as shocked as I was



Just kidding it was Garroth.

I walked up to the blond and poked his face.

"What're you doing here?" He asked

"What are you doing here?"

He took a deep breath and began to explain

"Irene visited me in my dreams. She said to come here to find a secret here"

"Why didn't Lady Irene just tell you straight up what the secret was?"

"I'm not sure, but I do plan to find out what is this secret and...I could use your help"

" you realise how upset R.H is?"

"Yeah, she probably hates me" he chuckled

"What's so funny?"

"Because I know she doesn't hate me."

"Alright well she's angry beyond belief. I came to get equipment and if I'm not out of this village by tomorrow then she will have my head!"

"Ok well I need the guards away from the well, got any ideas?"

I thought for a moment...I GOT IT


"I'm sorry what?"

"Eggs, Cadenza and i used to throw eggs at the guards. We never got more than a scold it'll distract them!"

"I guess its all I got. You throw the eggs and I'll run in when they leave"

That night, I got into the well. It was different then I thought. Along the walls were small carvings.

A man with a shadow

A knight

The sign of death

A potion of lightness however that's made I don't know.

And finally a man with a shadow drinking the potion.

I recorded the whole thing in a book and searched some more. What I found behind a door...shocked me.

A woman with sunset orange hair was in chains. She looked up and her eyes were a shade of ruby. They held anger.

"You're one of them aren't you?" She snapped


"A shadow knight! You're one of them!"

"N-no! Of course not! You're crazy!" I ran over and started freeing her.

"You're....freeing me...?"

"Of course"

The chains fell. She rubbed her sore wrists and smiled.

"Thanks I'm off" and she disappeared.

Who did I just free?

Laurences pov
Garroth ran up to me and I knew we had to leave. Even though it wasn't worth getting executed, O'Khasis would want my head.

We bolted into the woods and rested once we were far enough.

"So you coming home now?" I asked

"Yeah, I will"

"R.H is gonna kill you"

"I'd expect nothing less"

Aphmaus pov
If he died I'll kill him.

A/N Yeah I wanted to add Aphs lil thing there XD Anyways Garroth will be home by next episode. Will Aphmau be happy? Or sad? Or angry? Or all? Ya never know! OH! and who do ya think that was in chains? Probably obvious but whatever love you all byeeee ✌❤✌

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