« Oneshot 2 : A Bad Day »

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OOC !!

Angsty, slight abuse mentioned.

- - - The Elevator • Regretevator - - -

It.. it was a rough day for Poob.

No, it was too much.

The players in the elevator this time, they're taking it way too far.

Do they really hate them THAT much?

Players kept wasting their coins to get Poob's apartment and blow it up in seconds. Slapping and bullying them everytime the players get the chance to do so.

Tomatoes and snowballs thrown at them, waters sprayed and some players even talked bad infront of them.

All that just for Poob to keep smiling and endure the torment they had to faced.

All this was seen by other npcs who has gotten on before getting off on their level.

Poob stayed smiling the whole time.

Even if they were forced to kill the player, the player would revive and continue doing their 'tiny' bullying on Poob. So what was the point?

They all treated other npcs nicely, giving them petals and a quick spray.

Maybe the players are just doing it for fun, it's still a party if everyone is having fun!

But, Poob is not having fun.



It was the subway, Pest walked in with a slight scoff when the players threw petals at him.

He then eyed at the bruised Poob who was forcing a smile. Poob greeted Pest with a smile and continued minding their business.


It was very odd, Pest felt uneasy just seeing the yellow noob not being their usual.. self..

They were more quiet, actually minding their business and not getting over Pest's personal space.

No, he understood that Poob would still be his usual self, it doesn't matter if the players exploded his apartment or slap him 10 times..


What a coincidence.. It was Poob's apartment. The players walked out and exploded everything as Poob watches them in slight terror.

Pest wanted to ask something but thought it would be too weird. It's hard to communicate if you could barely hold an interaction for 20 minutes.

Once the players teleported back in the elevator, they decided to hit Poob which they replied with, "pls don hurt me..."

Their face was just full of bruises, it bothered Pest. He hasn't seen their face that bad. Unless the players.. has a hatred feeling towards Poob.

And so, his assumption was right. they would use their coins to get Poob's apartment, throw tomatoes and snowballs at them and spray water on them.

It was when the players are clearing a level similar to Area 51, Pest used this chance to ask them.

"How long have you been here?"

The question caught Poob off-guard, "Oh uhm, long enough to get this much slaps, haha." Poob replied.

No way.. Poob speaking in normal english?

Pest couldn't believe it, Poob then went back to being quiet at their corner.

It was finally time when Poob gets off this elevator along with Pest. The elevator was full and the players wanted to get rid of Poob. So, the said player who was supposed to get off, stood on the railing connected to the wall.

Because of their action, it made the elevator's floor to vanished and they fall along with Pest.

"I'll meet you later."

Poob woke up on a sofa, it's the only furniture that regenerated for Poob to lay at while the other furniture were in pieces.

They were finally free from the abuse.

They went from soft sobbing to ugly crying on the sofa. They wondered what they had done to them for them to hate Poob to that extent.

After an hour of crying, they examined their surrounding.

'Another cleaning day.. :c ' Poob pouted.

While sweeping the floor, they recalled Pest's message before they woke up. They immediately rushed the cleaning but it was too late when they heard knockings.


Pest had already arrived, which forced Poob to do a small cleaning and unlocking their apartment door.

"I'm sorry but it's still not clean I hope you can forgive me!!" Poob apologized once they opened the door, 「謝罪?なぜ?」("An apology? Why?")

"Stop apologizing, it's the players who did it." Pest sighed, "Wai r u here?" Poob asked, it seems like they're slowly coming back to their usual self. "I guessed that your apartment is still in broken pieces, I brought my.. medkit with me.." Pest replied, he was a little shy and embarrassed.

He should've just mind his business. Why bother helping the person who wouldn't leave you alone?

The answer to that was because he felt odd. It was like he felt pity for them.

"You're.." Poob mumbled with wide eyes, they were definitely surprised with this sudden change in Pest.

"Thank you!" Poob smiled and was about to hug Pest when they remembered about Pest's so-called personal space that he doesn't want Poob to invade.

The two walked in and sat on the sofa that was regenerated for Poob. Well, Pest told Poob to sit down while he helped Poob to heal their bruises.

Pest kept muttering words in japanese which Poob assumed that he was insulting the players. Or maybe that he's calling Poob an idiot for letting the players torment them like it's a small deal.

After what felt like an hour or two had passed, the treatment was done. Pest thought, couldn't he have just called DR Retro?

He wasn't thinking.

He always do that when he's panicking and worried..

Hold on, worried?

Pest worrying about Poob?

That's new.

Pest brushed that thought off and stared at the sleepy noob. He saw soft red circles under their eyes, looks like they were crying before he had gotten here. He could see it in Poob's face that it was rough for them.

He got up and explored their apartment, it seemed like every place has already been cleaned except for the room on the right. Pest then clicked his tounge, he grabbed a broom and sweeped them in one place.

If he puts himself in Poob's shoes, he would definitely be annoyed when the players explode literally every furniture in his apartment. He slightly envied that Poob still hasn't snapped at the players for ruining their apartment, he remembers hearing them saying it was because it was more fun that way and it looks like an actual party.

Which Pest arguably dislike their statement.

Once the cleaning finished, he felt slightly exhausted and sat on the sofa with Poob who was still sleeping soundly.

'Maybe just this once.' Pest thought, he then placed Poob's head on his lap as he slept on the back of the sofa.

It was comfortable.

--- End ---

and then pest wake up to see him cuddling with poob HEEHHEHEHE

or to seepoobmissingandfoundoutthattheydiedtryingtofindagiftforpestasthanksforhelpingthemout-


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