« Oneshot 1 : A Gift »

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Added the first song that came to my mind yayaya


- - - Day 1 - - -

Poob stood silently with a smile, the subway was dark and the train still hasn't past by yet. They wondered when the elevator is going to come. The elevator always had different people in it, due to that, it's quite rare to meet the same people again.

However, they get to meet the same npcs atleast.

Not a few minutes later, they heard the train coming from far away as it's sounds were echoing through the tunnel. 'Pezt?' They thought, immediately becoming cheerful as he is their best friend!

The optimistic noob met with quite an unexpressive beetle.

He seemed disappointed.

Is it because of them?

Poob didn't mind. Pest always have that cold and distant attitude, they should get used to it.

As Pest got off the train, Poob were waving 'Hello's to him. "Hai Peztt!! Huw waz ur day??" Poob asked with a smile, 「あなたが現れる前は順調でした。」 ( "It was going well before you appeared.") Pest replied before breaking the eye contact with Poob.

"Yu now I cant undurztand dat!!" Poob pouted, "It's going alright." Pest replied, knowing it was a slightly different answer from the answer he replied before.

"OKEY DATZ GRET!" Poob celebrated before using his party horn, which disturbed the beetle.


The elevator had came to their floor. The players walked out and only a few were quite happy that the two of them appeared on the same level. Pest and Poob walked in the elevator and waited till everyone were inside the elevator.

"Plegh. Water." Pest fake gagged, he hated when players spray water on him.

"Wai'd you do that? :(" Poob pouted after a player sprayed water on them. Then petals were thrown at them as an apology, "Daww, thank u!" Poob smiled again.


Players walked out as soon as the elevator door opened, leaving the two of them in the elevator alone. "Oh itz dat office obby! I hop evrywon survivez.." Poob hoped, even though players are able to revive again, some don't. (They left the server)

However, that's their daily life.

Poob noticed that Pest has been quite moody today, he's been shoving players away and almost got into a big argument with gnarpy.

The players enjoyed that. Obviously, they love dramas.

'Maybe I should get something to cheer him up?' Poob thought, wondering what would cheer Pest up just a little.

- - - Day 2 - - -

The next day, Poob somehow got their hands on some flower crowns. They had gotten two of them, one made in tulips and the other in roses. They were quite excited on how Pest would react, although they're also expecting a gloomy and cold reaction.

But on the positive side, atleast Pest would get the gift. It doesn't matter if he would throw it in the trash or a place much worse. As long as Pest received it.

They immediately made their way to the subway and got off the train. As they expected, there stood a lazy beetle who looked like he was about to fall asleep.

"Oh you're waiting for the elevator aswell.." Pest said, suddenly not feeling sleepy due to the other's bright pallette. "No I'm akshually nawt!" Poob shook their head after hearing Pest's statement. "Huh?" Pest tilted his head, "Why are you here then?".

"Uhm, I hev a gift for you!" Poob exclaimed, Pest were curious but was also not showing a hint of acknowledgement.

Poob then took out the red flower crown and placed it on Pest, "It lookz gud on u!!" Poob stated, "Urgh.." Pest muttered embarrassingly. 「これはどういう意味ですか?」( "What's the point of this?" ) Pest sighed, "Doo u liek it..?" Poob asked nervously, they might've pissed him more.

"It's.. fine.." Pest replied before taking off the flower crown. "YAY!" Poob jumped happily and using his party horn once again.

Unfortunately, the train for Poob had arrived once again. They then got on the train and waved happily at him, but he didn't wave back.

Pest's face went a little red in embarrassment, he doesn't even know how to express his feelings. Someone had actually gotten him a gift, and that someone just happened to be someone he hates.


He doesn't know.

He felt butterflies in his stomach, making him feel like he wants to gagged.

(This feeling... Just what are you doing to me?)

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