7. LIE

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8:45 PM

"Take this, Karishma. Your favourite dish" said Zubeda, sitting at the head chair of the table. She carefully placed a whole, exquisitely fried Pomfret, a costly and prized fish, onto Karishma's plate. Karishma, seated to Zubeda's left, looked up with delight , her eyes sparkling at the sight of the special dish.

"Wow! I was missing this, Ammi," said Karishma with a bright smile. She picked up her knife and fork, expertly cutting a piece of the tender fish. Bringing the bite to her mouth, she savored the rich flavors, her expression turning blissful. "This is absolutely delicious. Thank you so much," Karishma added, her eyes closed as she relished the taste.

Zubeda smiled back at Karishma,then  holding the plate of fish, she  turned her attention to Haya, who was seated beside Karishma and said "Haya beta, could you make some space on your plate? The Pomfret tastes best when it's still hot."

As haya's plate was already filled to the brim with mutton biryani and Haya's mouth was also occupied, still chewing, then With deft movements, haya delicately shifted aside some rice allowing Zubeda to place the Pomfret.

Then zubeda turned her attention towards haseena who was sitting to the right, opposite to karishma and with a warm smile she placed another Pomfret on her daughter's plate.

Haseena said while looking at haya's overflow plate "Haya? Your plate and mouth looks like it’s in  a food competition," she quipped, pointing at the overloaded plate

Haya chuckled, feeling a bit embarrassed. "Aaaa... Hehe, well, I was really starving since I didn't even get time for lunch."

Zubeda nodded knowingly. "This is what happens when you delay your work and try to do it at the last moment."

Haya smiled bashfully and quickly resumed eating.

As they all began eating, Zubeda turned to Haseena. "Hasu! I forgot to ask , you have sent some mail what is it about?"

Haseena who was about to take a bite of fish  paused midway her attention fully captured by Zubeda's question“Yes, Ammi, I was about to tell you, I need to go out of town for two days.”she replied looking at her mother

Zubeda, casually taking a bite of her roasted chicken with her fork, inquired, "Regarding?"

"There’s an investigation I need to conduct out of town,” Haseena stated, her gaze fixed on Zubeda with attention

Zubeda glanced at Haseena, raising an eyebrow as her tone turned more inquisitive. Between bites of her meal, she asked, "Where?"

“Ba... haseena paused for a moment her mind racing then quickly added, “Baranpur.”

“What case?” Zubeda asked, her curiosity piqued.

"It’s about minor theft cases. Nothing too serious, but I need to verify some details and interview a few people,” haseena explained

Zubeda, now fully engaged in the conversation, leaned forward slightly, her eyes fixed on Haseena . "Give me all the details of the case," she commanded, her tone authoritative yet concerned,

"It’s about a series of minor burglaries ammi. There have been break-ins at several homes,  We’ve got a lead that..." Zubeda intervened "what was stolen?"

" jewelry , money and electronics." Replied haseena "And we got a lead that these are being sold in baranpur. I need to follow up on this lead and interview a few contacts there,”

“How many of your people are going?” Zubeda inquired.

“Only me,” Haseena replied hesitantly

Zubeda’s concern deepened. “Alone?”

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