Chapter 2

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"uh sure, why not". You say as you go to sit right next to him.
"So, tell me your name sugar". He said in a seductive tone.
"My name is y/n". You while you play with your hair.
"Ah, darling that's such a pretty name so.. how old are you, hm?"
"I'm 16" you say softly
"Ah~ you're quite young, you're very pretty for girls your age" he says.
"I am?" You say while blushing.
"Yeah, darlin you are" he says in his deep southern accent.
"Uh-, thank you for the compliment" you smile softly.
"Just telling the truth, so why don't sit on your step-fathers lap, eh?" He says while smirking.
"Uhm-, uh are your sure?.." you say while your face becomes beet root red.
"Baby girl, come on sit down on my lap~" he says seductively.
"Uh- O-okay" you say as you sit on his lap.
"So, sugar, how's your day baby girl?"
"It was good" you say softly
"So, darlin, how does it feel to sit on my lap, hm?"
"It's my first time, but yeah it's nice, it brings me a self of comfort" you say while playing with the hem of your skirt.
"Ah, it's good to be your first" he says while putting his head on your shoulder.
"Mhm" you say while blushing
"You look very cute when you blush darlin" he says while looking in your eyes.
"Uh- I'm blushing?" You say while touching your face
"Mhm, Baby girl, you look so good in these type of clothes" he say while taking your hands in his huge hands
"Uh- so uh how old are you..?" You say shyly.
"I'm 46 years old, baby girl" he say while kissing your hand
"Oh, so your still young?" You ask
"Not quite darling"

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