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Mayas pov

Iam getting tensed, oh lord, what if I got caught, it's 3 in the morning, the wedding time is 11 in the morning, beautician has already made me ready for the pre wedding rituals which will start at 6, that means this is the perfect time to elope, there is no time to change the saree, so I will wear something above my saree, i was yet to wear my ornaments, god's grace otherwise I should have to take it off too, a wastage of time,

No Maya you shouldn't fail now, it's your last chance, I tried to encourage myself,

I hurriedly took the bag which I hid below the bed the previous day, took my mobile, my passport and some cash hurriedly wored my oversized aline full lengthed top, also wored a shall to cover my head, and slowly opened my bedroom door, luckly no one were present there, I ran through the corridor and reached great grandmother's room, she's a bedridden patient and her nurse will be at the servent quarters at this time,

I silently touched her feet, and weeped and took her blessings, opened her cupboard and took out some of her cotton sarees, tied them and made a long rope, and tied one end to balcony rail and other end, i throne out and slowly started climbing out from the balcony,

This area of the house is less crowded , so there is a greater chance for my safe escape, i climbed down, the saree was an utter discomfort , but I somehow
Managed to climb down suddenly the saree knot i made untied and i fell down.

Ahhh... It hurts like hell, I got a few scratches on my hands and feet, and the dreadful part is my elbow has bruised and it hurts a lot, being the youngest daughter of the house everyone pampered me a lot, i haven't even fall down or got bruised during my childhood.

If not for my career and my fear of marriage i should have never ever tried to go away from my family, everyone loved me, but iam afraid of marriage, afraid of what happened to my eldest sister and my mother,

I stood up and took my bag on and slowly started to walk, there were some people at the gate, they asked me who iam, and i replied that iam the henna artist, and they allowed me out.

At last..... Iam freee

I felt myself happy proud...

I took my mobile out and started searching Sruthys number suddenly I saw Rajendran uncles car passing by, nervously my mobile fell from my hand and broke,

Suddenly the gravity of the situation hit me, what will I do now? How will I contact Sruthy now, she asked me to call her once iam out of the mansion, but now, without my phone,

Don't lose hope Maya, you can do it.

Without any delay I ran, ran as fast as I can to the taxi stand near the old library,


Drishti Pov

I woken up hearing a knock at my bedroom door, ohh shitttt... When did I fell asleep,

I was keeping a good check at Maya till I fell asleep,
My little sister is an angel herself, but at times she can be troublesome too, I was sure that she will rebel against the marriage, but nothing happened, so I was a little bit tensed, anticipating the worst,

Her friends are the naughtiest ones I have ever met in my life, they may have plotted something to break this marriage.

Worriedly I opened the door to find alka, the beautician I hired for Maya, Alka is one among my dearest friend too.

"What happend Alka?? Why are you here at this time, you should be at Mayas room, isn't she ready yet??

Alka : " Drishti, iam so sorry"

Drishti:" why are you telling sorry??"

Alka : "Maya is not in her room,

Drishti: " what?
I made sure she's at her room and didn't even allowed her to get out of her room even to have her food, I fed her myself, and until you came I was with her, and now you are telling me she's not in her room,

I explained you everything beforehand, and you promised me to help me, and this is how you help me? .... Ohhhn godd

Alka: Drishti, I was with Maya i draped her in saree and was about to do her makeup and hair she told me she wanna use the washroom urgently, I allowed her and just went to my car to take my accessories , when I came back i could hear water sound from the washroom so I waited, after sometime when she didn't came out, i thought something's amiss and opened the door to washroom and there was noone.

I think she has eloped, Drishti

Drishti: no, no this can't happen,

This wedding should happen at any cost, if Maya is not present, our families respect will be lost, and Aarav sir, will get mad at me, he may even disclose my secret to my family, Mayas elopment and my relationship everything will blow away our families respect,

It won't do, simply, won't do

I will drag her back...somehow I will, find her.....

Alka: yes Drishti, you better find her at the earliest,

I will manage everything here...


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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