The astrologer's prediction

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Maya's POV

    My sister picked-up me from the college, and when i reached home i was starving, i ran to dining table, and started yelling , "Auntyyy get me some food, iam starving".

As usual Aunty started her lecturing,

"child how many times i told not to have food without changing, go change, wash and come"...

Uphhh... I rised from chair and ran towards stair and collided with grandpa, "haaa...  dear dont run"
And grandpa started to laugh... Ha ha

After changing into white lenghthy maxi dress i descented the stairs, and slipped from last step, i stood up cursing ...

hmm i don't know whom to blame, me or others... I'm at times clumsy. I started laughing myself....

I didn't noticed papa until he asked me why i laugh "... What happened my  princess why are you laughing??"

Like he cares, I thought in mind
I stood straight, and replied carefully, papa has a great temper, the only person with whom he talks well is none other than me, after all Iam his late wife's last sign.

" papa I slipped from stairs, i thought how clumsy iam", and looked straight to his eyes

Papa's eyes softened looking at me, 

"Maya dear, walk carefully you are my only daughter and I don't want anyone calling my daughter clumsy, or anything, you are my pride"...

It's weird papa always addresses me as his only daughter, what about Drishti do, he doesn't even looks at her.
There's a millions of questions ringing in my mind continuously but none has answers.

"Yes papa" i simply answerd and smiled at him" papa patted me my shoulders, and gone to his study.

I had to complete some paperworks, after that together me and sister (Drishti) walked together to dining table, as it was time for dinner, our family usually have dinner together, and while approaching we heard them talking, they were talking about marriage, as Drishti  is 5years elder than me, i suppose they are talking about her marriage...

I was super happy for her...

I felt so happy, my sister's marriage, iam so exited, "drishti, i think they are talking about your marriage" i told her, "iam so exited,  wow you are getting married"...

But unlike me, she doesn't even had any happiness on her face. She looked at me, her eyes were blazing in anger, and I became a little scared.

'May be because of the sudden marriage arrangement', I thought in mind.

We both stood there peeping at our family members, trying to catch what they speak,

Family members POV

    "What did the astrologer say"  grandpa asked

Aunt.  " Actually moring i had gone to meet pandit with drishti's kundli, to know about her marriage,

(Kundli -very important document of a particular person according to the hindu culture, for example, which decides at which age and when should one marry)

Papa: "So what did pandit say??"

Aunt: "pandit told me Drishti's kundli is clear and she can get married at any time before she turns 28".

Papa: " thats good,Drishti is so ambitious, let her reach her goal, then we will decide about her marriage"

Aunt: " But there is something more, i had also told pandit to make maya  kundli, and according to her kundli she should get married at 19"

Papa:"whatttt??" She is still a child and very immature, how will we get her married??

Everyone seems to be very shoked.

Grandma: we cannot change our family traditions for anyone, she's our daughter, marriage is decided by god, it's not in our hands, We should get her married within an year. I don't want our daughter to get punished for our neglegence, it's good that Deepa took Maya's kundli along.

Grandpa: That's the best decision, Iam the head of the family and no one should object the decision.

Aunt: "But while the elder sister is still unmarried how can we arrange a marriage to younger one"...(according to superstitions its so difficult to arrange a marriage to younger ones while elder ones are unmarried)

Papa: "How is it possible Maya is our little princess, she is young,and she is also so ambitious, how can we force her to marry?"...

Everyone said their points... Actually they argued each other, and atlast grandpa losted his control.

Grandpa: "Don't forget Maheshwar family always follow's our customs, and as the pandit's prediction, arrange marriage for both of them"

Papa: "But father!"

Grandpa: "No more 'buts' son, my decision is final, start looking for a groom for Drishti first".

Friends please give me points😃, and do comment, iam taking a big deal of time for updating😂, and just for you alll😍 luv you all.

And please vote for mee...

Nxt part- Aarav's families proposal


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