Aarav's family's proposal

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Maya's POV

Me and sister Drishti both were shocked after hearing Grandpa's decision. Even my eyes turned teary, and with shooking voice i turned to sister

"Wha ....t's all thi s ha -appen -ing, why am i to ma-rry iam sti-ll a child right"

She looked at me, with concern  "Don't worry little munchkin, everything will be alright".

But i noticed her eyes is teary as well.
After a few minutes we joined dinner, and when everyone saw us, they stopped chanting, me and sister ate dinner silently and returned back to our rooms.

We haven't asked anyone about what we heard, because we both knew grandpa never changes his decision.After reaching room i hugged my sister tightly and started crying.

She calmed me,
"there.. there munchkin don't cry, we can talk to Aunt tomorrow", She said, and she guided me to bed and made me lay down,

i hugged pillow and cried again.

Me and my sister never shared a room together, I never knew the reason, We love each other very much, but papa never allowed that.

I layed silently  Sister was sitting at bed side, and texing someone,

'how can she text someone while we are through a terrible situation' i thought'.

I slept after hours and hours of crying.
Next day morning, as usual Thaijee woked me up, and told us there is a marriage proposal for Drishti, and the groom and family are coming for finalize the marriage.

Drishti dii and I looked each other, and i thought, They are finalizing Drishti's marriage, and after they will start looking groom for me. Again my eyes became teary.

Aunt keeps telling Drishti dii got proposal from the pratap family, which is as powerful as ours. By this marriage both families can strengthen their business, and bla bla bla...

I signed in relief, at least the proposal is not for me.

Aarav's POV

Morning mom called me and told me to reach home immidietly, actually i thought Grandpa's condition worsed, because he is an arthritis patient.So i rushed to home.

After reaching home only i came to know why mom called me, "Aarav, we had arranged a proposal for you, from the maheshwar family, and today we should go there, its your grandpa's arrangement, don't oppose his decision.

I was so shoked at first, "Mom you think me as a teenage boy" ...i was actually shivering from anger. "I don't want to get married now, and don't force me, and it is my final decision, iam going back to office"

Mom, "i know son, but please reconsider, its your grandpa's, wish, please son i beg you, anyway now or then you should marry someone."

I thought about grandpa, and told mom, "ok... I will come, but if i don't like the proposal don't force this marriage on me."

Mom, " ok son, we will proceed only if you agree"... and she hugged me.She became so happy i suppose.

Here I was searching for my girl, they are trying to fix my marriage with some  other one, I will not give a damn about anything, I just need my girl. Only my girl .....

Please friends, do support me.😍

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