Chapter 12

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"Perce. Percy. Wake up, I brought food."

Percy groaned as he sat up.

"Do I have to eat? You know what happened last time," Percy mumbled.

"We can try," Apollo prodded gently.

Percy sighed, grabbing the plate of food. He pushed food around his plate with his fork, taking reluctant bites. Apollo beamed st him, smiling encouragingly as Percy finished his food.

Percy grimaced, setting the empty plate down on his bedside table. Apollo tilted his head curiously.

"Everything feels too much," Percy mumbled.

"Do you feel like you're going to have a panic attack?" Apollo frowned.

"Yeah," Percy grimaced.

"Come on, let's go on a walk," Apollo suggested.

Percy got up and the two made their way out of the cabin. Apollo gently took Percy's hand.

"Can we not go to the seaside? That's where... it... happened," Percy said hastily.

"Oh, sorry."

"Don't apologize," Percy shrugged as they walked back toward camp.

"So, how so you feel? Overall?" Apollo asked quietly.

"I'm a little bit better," Percy answered judt as quietly, "You've definitely helped a lot."

As they stepped into camp, the campers immediately began staring at Percy and Apollo. Percy looked away, uncomfortable.

"We should head back to your cabin," Apollo grimaced.

"That would be best," Percy sighed.

And so, the two made their way to the cabin and Percy let out a relieved sigh.

A small smile tugged on Apollo's lips as he watched Percy sit down on his bed, fidgeting with the pen he knew to be Riptide.

"I want to get away from reality," Percy said self-consciously. "I don't want to be aware of everything that's happened."

"It's going to be alright, Perce. Truly. Trust me, okay?" Apollo said softly.

"I trust you," Percy smiled hastily.

"Thank you," Apollo smiled.

They sat in comfortable silence before Apollo grimaced.

"Zeus wants me back in Olympus."


"Will you be alright?"

Percy nodded hesitantly.

"Good," Apollo smiled. "I'll see you later, seashell."

"Bye, 'Pollo," Percy mumbled as the god flashed out.


It had been an hour since Apollo had left. Percy's eyes fell on a pair of scissors on the table. Just one cut won't do harm, he thought.

He got up, trembling slightly as he grabbed the scissors. He grabbed it by the blade, resting the tip on his arm before bringing it down, slashing through his skin. Crimson blood slowly began coloring his sickly pale skin, contrasting it.

Percy, in a daze, repeated the motion.


I deserve this.


I let down my family.


I was a mistake.

More and more blood began pooling, dripping down to the floor. Percy smiled as the pain hit him, burning through his arm like fire.

"I'm b-"

Apollo froze, staring at Percy who was still holding the scissors in one hand, his arm covered in blood.

"Percy," he whispered in utter despair.

"I'm sorry," Percy choked out. "I'm so sorry."

The god rushed forward, wrapping his arms tightly around the demigod in an embrace.

"It's okay. It's not your fault. Don't worry. It's okay, Percy. Everything will be okay," Apollo whispered gently.

Putting a hand over Percy's arm, he slowly healed the wounds.

"Since they're self-inflicted, they'll scar," Apollo told him quietly.

"That's fine," Percy mumbled, sniffling.

Apollo realized that he had been crying.

He gently reached out and wiped Percy's tears away.

"Everything will be fine, my seashell."

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