Chapter Two

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     Mike and El run into the cabin and slam the door behind them, waking the others. "What's going on?" Hopper and Joyce ask it in unison.

     "They found us," Mike can barely get the words out before something slams into the door. The cries of multiple Demogorgons fill the cabin as everyone jumps to their feet, everyone looking for the closest weapon.

     "What are we gonna do?" Dustin asks, the fear from earlier returning to his voice. Everyone turns to Hopper, knowing he is already thinking of a way out.

     Hopper looks to Joyce, knowing she isn't going to like his suggestion before saying, "We fight." Before anyone can say anything, there is a loud crash from the boarded-up window in the kitchen as the clawed hand of a Demogorgon comes through it, followed by another loud shriek. The group hears the sound of shattering glass from what was once Eleven's room and they turn to see two more of the hideous monsters in the window.

     Mike runs to the door of the bedroom and slams it closed just as a Demodog leaps through the window. The group scrambles to find anything to fight with, Dustin picks up a baseball bat that is lying beside the front door, Mike finds nothing but a knife on the kitchen counter, and Joyce reaches for the shotgun on the floor where she had been sleeping. Hopper goes under the kitchen sink and pulls out a butane torch that was there.

     The group gathers in a circle toward the middle of the room, waiting for the onslaught of beasts that is just on the other side of the walls. As the group stands there waiting, there is an eerie silence, as though the Demogorgons have all left. Everyone knows that is too simple of an explanation, the monsters would not just forget about them like that. The silence is suddenly broken by multiple ear-piercing shrieks, the group looks up just in time to see a Demogorgon pouncing through the gaping hole in the ceiling, right towards Nancy, who has nothing but a tire iron to defend herself.

     The Demogorgon freezes just a couple of feet from Nancy's face followed closely by El throws the Monster through the wall of the cabin, leaving a cavernous hole in its place, allowing the horrific cries of the monsters to easily pierce the blackness beyond the walls.

     Before the group can react to the first, a Demodog leaps through the kitchen window and Joyce narrowly has enough time to blast it in the face with her shotgun as it lets out another horrific cry, sending the dog flying into the kitchen counter. The dog jumps right back up and leers at Joyce, getting down into a stance as if it were a cat about to pounce on a mouse.

     The beats suddenly lunges toward the group as another Demogorgon shatters the front door of the cabin, causing Mike and Dustin to cover their faces with their arms so as not to be blinded by the flying shrapnel of wood. The pair look up fearfully as the towering beast begins lumbering toward them, it opens its horrific mouth letting out a cry that sends shivers through their bodies.

     El raises her hand, snapping the monster's neck as the dog jumps towards Joyce. Jonathan jumps towards his mom and slams the crowbar he is holding into the monster's head, sending it crashing onto the ground. Joyce lets off another shot into the back of the beast's head, leaving the Demodog now lying lifeless on the ground at her feet.

     The group has no time to rest as a Demogorgon and a Demodog slam through the door of Eleven's bedroom, the Demogorgon howls at the group, its open mouth revealing the horrifying rows of razor-sharp teeth inside, ready to rip any of them limb from limb.

     El throws the Demodog back through the bedroom window and the Demogorgon slashes its vicious claws right at Steve's head. He is barely able to lift his arm to block himself before the Demogorgon lands a blow sending him flying across the room into the wall.

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