Chapter Two

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You spend thirteen hours in jail, crying for two hours straight after what has happened to Iker.

The missing feeling of safety made you feel like you have been betrayed.

If you follow law, you are supposed to be safe, but nothing like that happened.

Your friend is dead, and you can't do anything about it because the person who killed is from the invaders.

Those aliens can get away with anything except killing their own kind and corruption.

You learned the name of your friend's killer, he is called Xylothax.

A typical name for an alien, in their language, it means the prince of the stars, and it is pronounced 'Xylotháx'

You were placed in a cell alone, there is nothing in the cell except for a bed and everything is white.

While being deep in thoughts, one of the alien police officers approach the cell followed by Xylothax.

"What do you want?" you inquire meekly, your voice dry from crying.

"I have come here to make a deal that shall please both of us"

Xylothax's cold gaze met yours, revealing a smirk that seemed to mock your sorrow.

The police officer leaves the both of you to continue your conversation in privacy.

"I apologized, why did you kill him?" you mutter out.

Xylothax tilts his head.

"He punched me, he is a savage, more savage then most normal humans"

The way he is speaking to you is dehumanizing in the worst way possible.

Xylothax is staring down at you as a pet he can own, and play with.

"He was brave to stand up for me," you retort, your voice shaking with anger and hurt.

"The only reason he punched you was because I was slapped."

Xylothax snorts, a harsh sound that grates on your nerves.

"Wipe your tears away, there is no need to cry, he is dead but you are alive and if you wish to get out of here you have to accept the deal"

You remove the tears from your face with the back of your hand, your emotions in turmoil.

"What deal?"

"Work for me 3000 hours, and you won't have to rot in here for the rest of your youthful years" 

Xylothax waits for your answer but gets none, so he softly sighs.

"You will be allowed to attend college as you wish, but after you finish your classes, you have to attend to me for seven hours"

Your friend was killed by him, but your family, if you spend the rest of your life in here, you won't ever see them.

If you say yes, you are traitor.

If you say no, you are wasting the rest of your life away.

"Considering you are a human and can't decide for yourself unfourtantly"

Your mouth open to protest but he stops you before you could utter anything.

"You are getting out today, and tomorrow is your first day with me"

You felt your heart pounding in your chest as Xylothax declares for you a choice you didn't make.

He then leaves to call for the officer to come and free you from your cell.


"You are insane?"

"I don't understand what you mean, sister"

"Really? First, you stalk the girl for months, then you kill her friend just to have her work for you."

Xylothax turns his gaze towards his older sister, Bexyl, smirking victoriously.

"It will be very easy to mold her into my personal whore"

Unfourtantly, Xylothax doesn't know that you see him as an ugly lizard despite being handsome.

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