Chapter Six

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"Why did you think it's ok to speak to my father in a rude manner? "

"Perhaps because I'm stupid and a savage as you described me and my kind"

You point out as he drives you back to the student's accommodations. 

"It's sad that you are sensitive to the truth" Xylothax states calmly with a smile.

Even if he is speaking in his average tone, it fuels your rage further.

"If you like the truth so much, then let me tell you the truth, Xylothax"

You turn your body in the car seat to face him after you make this declaration.

Xylothax, with his calm demeanor barely faltering, urged you on.

His smile deepened, and the way he was looking at the street, made you feel like you were a prey he was about to devour.

"Go on" he coaxed, his voice smooth as if discussing some silly comic.

"I am eager to hear the truth from a barbarian like you."

Your fists clenched tightly, grasping the fabric of your shirt as pure fury boiled in your chest.

"Your kind invaded earth, murdered millions of humans to assert their dominance, also you resemble a lizard, and you dare to call humans savages-"

"The hypocrisy coming out of your mouth is humorous" Xylothax interrupted, finally glancing at you from the corner of his eye.

"Yes, we indeed did murder millions only to achieve peace"

Your frown at his respond as he continues.

"But we didn't steal your resources nor kick you out of earth which is generous, despite what your kind did to the earth"

"What my kind did?"

"You genocide each other, caused destructive wars, created gurosome weapons to murder eachother"

Xylothax's words caught you off guard, but you quickly regained your composure.

"You think just because humans had wars, you have the right to degrade us?"

"I would prefer the word 'keeping humans under control' it sounds better"

For some reason, you feel like this discussion is stupid.

You feel like you are getting brainwashed without even realizing it. 

"My people never created weapons to kill each other, back in our planet there is no such thing as war" 

You wanted to argue but found no words to say to him.

Thankfully, the car reaches the desired destination, making revealed to end this conversation.

Just when you were about to open the car door, Xylothax's stops you.

"I want you to write a thousand words apology letter for my father, and hand it to me tomorrow"

Feeling flustered and defeated, you take a deep breath before reluctantly nodding. 

"Fine," you say with a tone that mixes reluctance and frustration. 

"I'll write the letter." 

He smiles, as you step out of the car, the sound of the door closing echoing in the silence of the night.

Once you enter the building, Xylothax quickly looks down at his hands in distress.

"Do I really... resemble a lizard?"

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