Bring Your Instruments

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A few weeks went by when you had a call with Thomas you knew he didn't cared about you so you got started by putting land-mines on the park to get started by

The following day you were cleaning the garage with Pops, Mordecai and Rigby until Rigby saw a flute on the corner of the garage Mordecai noticed and thought he was looking at trash or video-tapes

"Rigby stop looking at that come on we need to get finish this is the last thing we have to do before break."

"No you guys come and look it's a instrument but I don't know which one it is."

You 3 went to Rigby as he revealed it was a flute you took it out of his hands remembering when you use to play back in Russia by yourself

"It's a flute I used to play this back in my old school concerts." You said

Pops got happy for you then giggled

"Hahaha have you play this flute before after your school?" Pops asked

"Uhm no I was always work at a huge store so I couldn't play it anymore I think I throw it away I'm not sure."

"Play y/n show us how much you've remembered by then and now."

Pops and Rigby agreed with you then you chuckled nervously about this

"Maybe I shouldn't we should get back and clean the garage look we are almost done and all."

"Nah it can wait just play it!" Rigby said

"Play it, Play it, Play it!" Rigby and Mordecai said

You got annoyed by it then you sat down on the chair then hold it correctly then started to play "Slumber Song" flute solo (link to the video and go to 26 seconds if you wanna hear it)

After you played it you putted the flute down while Everyone was surprised how you played it well Pops clapped for you after second Mordecai and Rigby clapped as well

"Wow y/n that was really good!" Mordecai said

"Yeah it was you should go to a competition for Solos there is one happening today around 10 pm you should go!" Rigby said

"I don't know what about Benson, I'm not tryin to get in-trouble by it."

"Oh I can help!" Pops said

"Really you will do that?" You said

"Yeah, come on y/n it's ok you can trust us and where the concert is that it's from the coffee shop."

You thought of it for a second then after what it felt like a minute you decided to do the concert

Pops hugged you then Mordecai and Rigby just watched by with it

You got a call from "Thomas" so you had to pull away from him

"Guys I gotta take this I'll be right back." Everyone nodded then you went to the playground to answer the call

In call

Y/n has anyone suspected yet?
No not yet your good.
Ok good have you set up the land-mines yet
Yeah last night and last week so your good
Ok that's ok I'll coming to the America in a few days but I'll be in "The Park" in 5-6 weeks within it so I'll pretend I'll be in collage and I'll just wait for you then.
Ok then whatever
Y/n shut up now I gotta go because Benson needs me
Ok then I'll see you then
Ok bye

End of call

The rest of the day you got your chores in place so Benson will say yes you could go to the concert

When you got done it was 6:40 pm in the afternoon you got done cleaning the bathrooms and your room so you took a shower because you were sweating so much

The time was 7:39 pm in the afternoon so you went to Bensons Offices

You knocked and Benson and he letted you in you walked in then you took a seat

"What is it y/n why you in my office work ended a hour ago." Benson asked

"Oh I thought work ends a hour later."

"Well now you know now but what is it?"

"Well I was gonna asked if I could go to an concert?" You asked

"Oh you can go and I don't knew you played a instrument before." Benson said

"Yeah I've played the flute during my middle and high school and I couldn't play my flute because I use to work in a big building."

"Oh ok then good luck!" Benson said

You nodded and you got out of the office you went outside seeing Pops waiting for you got in the cart so he drove away

"Uhm pops where Mordecai and Rigby?"

"They went to the concert a hour ago so they could sign you up." You nodded

"Where's my flute?" You asked

"Mordecai has it he said he could take it and give it to you before you can play."

After 11 minutes you got to the coffee shop seeing posters of the concert you went in getting lost

You saw a girl that looks like Mordecai but it they were red bird so you just went to them

"Hey have you seen Mordecai and Rigby?"

"Oh yeah i saw them with a flute and went to the back signing up for someone."

"Can you point them where they at?"

She pointed at the right then you nodded and you and Pops followed you after a while you saw Mordecai and Rigby there you went to them

It was your turn so you went up then you took a seat getting the microphone

"Hello everyone my name is Y/n and I well play a solo on my flute, I hope you enjoy it."

You sat down then you started playing it everyone was recording so you tried not to mess up

After a minute you got done then you put it down everyone clapped and you smiled you got a trophy for it being in first place

You went to your room after it putting the trophy down in your desk you found your colorful lights so you set it up then you putted your favorite color on it

At the night you woke up at 3 in the morning then you got started on the Land-Mines and then went to the cameras for the security system and disconnected it after 10 minutes

You saw Muscle Man awake and driving back so you hide and he didn't notice you when he was out of your sight you sneaked back up in your room then you went to sleep and woke up in the usual time

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