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I have always been a normal girl with nothing to recommend her.

I was born in the Bennet family. My first sister was beautiful and her best friend, my second sister was very quick-witted. My two youngest weren't as stunning as the first one, but they were pretty and lively.

And then there was me: plain, simple, lonely Mary Bennet.

In the beginning, I tried to do something to make my family proud. I decided that, if I wasn't going to be the pretty one or the lively one, I would be the talented one. However, my plans didn't work out as it should. I wasn't good at the piano, in painting, or in anything that involved needles.

So, I gave up and decided to be the invisible one. And while being the invisible one, I decided to learn more about what I found interesting. So, I was an eighteen-year-old girl who knew a lot about medicine, poison, philosophy, novels, and religion.

"Mary" Mrs. Maddison told me someday "I'm going to London in this weekend. My niece is going to get married there and I was invited."

I nodded, not listening properly. My brain was way more interesting – I was imagining being a warrior in some faraway land.

"I was thinking... Would you like to go with me?"

Her question took me off my daydream. And then a battle started in my heart – I love being at home, doing only what I wanted, and being invisible. My sisters were Mrs. Darcy and Mrs. Bingley after all – In the worse of hypothesis I would live with Jane or Lizzie. However, I was craving some adventure – something new to learn, new possibilities, and who knows? Maybe I would find a place where I could be useful and not be a burden for the Bennets anymore.

"I don't know... I guess I would love it."

"Then is settled. You will accompany me to London and breathe new air. Now that you have three sisters married, is time to think about finding a husband yourself. If you don't look for one now, soon you will be too old."

I sigh.

"Mrs. Maddison, I know that our society sees finding a proper mate as something of great importance, but I'm fine all by myself, really I am."

"Nonsense. No girl will be truly happy alone." She drinks her tea happily "And you will not be able to resist the handsome man that lives in London. One shall be of your taste."

I sigh again and decide that I wouldn't bother discussing this with her. A widow who has all her children married can't help but find husbands and wives for her friends.

"What wonderful news Mary!" My mom said to me, clapping her hands after I arrived, and told her the news "I know that we don't have to worry about our situation anymore, Jane and Lizzie will help us if we need to. But is always good to be sure of these things. Use your sister's name to catch a rich husband too."

I roll my eyes. Why don't elder people go find another hobby that doesn't involve matchmaking?

The travel between Longbourn and London was a good one, even if it was a boring one. It was such a sad thing I got nauseous every time I tried reading in the carriage and while the view was very beautiful, after seeing so much nature without being able to enjoy it, I could have been happier when I arrived in London.

After passing through the gates, I arrive in front of a beautiful house, painted in a light pink with some details in white.

"Now, what do you think Mary?" Mrs. Maddison asks, "Is a beautiful place, isn't it?"

"Yes, indeed." I smile looking at the building in my front. I could imagine a thousand stories happening here, breathtaking romances, daring duels, and awful murders. And the inside did not disappoint me either.

When the white door was opened, I saw a beautifully decorated corridor, with some fancy stairs. On my right, there was a living room with a big chandelier and comfortable chairs with a small piano. The dining room was well organized too, and, in the back, there was a beautiful garden, full of all types of flowers – roses, tulips, orchids, and hyacinths. And, at the end of the short tour, I saw my room – it was medium size and simple, which means it was perfect.

"Happy with the arrangements?"

"Yes, indeed, I'm very happy." I smiled sincerely. "I guess I will be very comfortable in my stay."

After organizing my luggage, I got ready for dinner, where a delicious supper was ready for me to eat.

"Hope you are ready for the adventure Mary" Mrs. Maddison smiled at me "I can't wait to see you dancing with a handsome man and seeing you married you make my heart full of joy."

I politely smile. I liked dancing the problem was that I was terrible at it. No matter how much I loved art, art simply didn't love me back, and being reminded of that made my heart ache somehow.

"Yes, I can't wait for it either."

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