A consultant detective

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Mr. Sherlock Holmes lived in a small apartment at 221 Baker Street. He was having a charming and boring day in his house and couldn't help but wish for a case to be solved. In days like this, he hated his friend John Watson for getting married. Usually, when he was without a case his best friend would be looking for one for him, but with a wife Watson found little time to help his friend in this quest. Luckily for Holmes, soon Mrs. Hudson would enter with a young boy with a sniffing nose and red eyes with an interesting case for him to solve.

The young boy, Peter, couldn't find his father. Looks like he got a job some days ago, but nothing was heard about him anymore, no matter how much the boy went searching and asking in the streets. Mr. Holmes knew, just looking at the boy that his father loved him a lot – his clothes were old, but treated with care and he knew how to read. Deciding that the only options he had were to take this case or go mad, Mr. Holmes soon went to the boy's house on White Street, a street that was part of a very poor neighborhood, with all sorts of bad things happening.

Entering the boy's house, he confirms his deduction that the boy was loved by his father and finds a bag with a good amount of money and a paper talking about a "special program".

"Peter" Mr. Holmes asks the young boy "Did your papa say anything about a special program?"

"Not much, if I recall" The young boy looks at the paper Mr. Holmes had in hand "All he said was it was a good opportunity for poor people like us."

Seeing that this paper had the address of a pub on it, this was the natural next step for Holmes.

In the pub, Mr. Holmes sees a blond man talking about this special program, writing the name of some man who was interested in it. Not only does Mr. Holmes see this man leaving with the names written, but he also notices the man taking a piece of paper off the wall and throwing it into a bin while no one is noticing.

Mr. Holmes discreetly goes to the bin and unfolds the discarded paper.

"If you heard anything about Mr. Thomas Kelly, please go to house 13 in Roman Street."

"Please don't throw this paper in the bin." A man appears behind Holmes and takes the paper "Thomas Kelly is a good fellow of mine, and his little boy is very worried since it's the fourth day he doesn't appear home. He told me that a respectable Miss is looking for his papa, but he must help too." After saying this, the man tries his best to straighten the paper and put it back on the wall.

Looks like the next step in Holmes' investigation is to go to Roman Street.


It's the next day after the encounter with Dr. Fisher and I make my way to Little John's house. Today I decided to wear the humblest clothes I have and make the simplest hair in existence (not that my trademark hair is fancy, but I try my best to do some curls) doing my best to blend in and not call for much attention.

Arriving at the boy's house, I see a man in the window. The man I see is very tall and has dark curly hair and simple clothes. He seems too young to be the boy's father, so maybe is a relative that came to help.

"Miss Mary! John came running once he saw me in the door frame "Came in, came in!" He says, grabbing my wrist and practically dragging me inside. "This is Mr. Holmes; he is a detective and says he can help find my father too!"

Looking more closely at Mr. Holmes, I see he is a very handsome man. His blue eyes shine with determination, his curls are messy but in a charming way and his clothes are simple but accentuate his figure.

"Hello Mr. Holmes," I said, giving a courtesy "My name is Mary Bennet, from Hertfordshire. I met John yesterday and I decided to help him find his father since is obvious that his father wouldn't leave him alone without a serious reason."

Mr. Holmes looks me up and down, but not in a seductive way and yes in an analytical one. His analysis takes only a few seconds which for me feels like an eternity.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Mary. I'm Sherlock Holmes from 221 Baker Street. I came here because I'm helping another child find his father too and my investigation took me here."

"Are you saying there is another child in John's situation?"

"I'm afraid so."

Frustration takes over my body together with indignation. Why do innocent kids suffer this way? And who is behind this?

"Miss Mary, can I ask a few questions?"

"Yes, go ahead."

"Why are you helping this boy? Do you have any connections with him?"

"No, I don't. I'm helping him because is the right thing do to" I answer without hesitation "Besides I'm kind of curious too. Is fairly obvious that this boy is loved by his papa, so I want to understand what is keeping his father away."

"Fairly obvious?"

"Well, for one thing, he can read, which is not very common for a boy in this situation, he looks well fed and his clothes, though old are taken care of. All the signs that this boy has a caring father are here."

Something in the eyes of Mr. Holmes changes and he smiles. His smile has a great effect on my person, I can feel my cheeks growing red and my heartbeat accelerating.

"Indeed." Is all that he says and then he walks around the house, looking at the furniture with the same eyes he looked at me minutes ago. While he was interested in looking around, I decided to ask John if he had new information.

"No, I don't Miss." He looks sad "But I went to the pub of my father's friend and put up a poster there informing him that we are looking for him. If we pray hard and enough, we will find him without a doubt!"

"Miss Mary" Mr. Holmes comes to me after looking around "Could you tell me what you discover with your investigation?"

"Yes, sure" I nod and then pick up the contract that I found the day before "This was the most relevant piece of information that I found. It is a contract related to a hunting competition that will happen soon. It doesn't look like anything is amiss, but the sum that was promised for one day of service feels too much to be true."

He picks up the paper and reads with great concentration, which makes him look attractive. Understanding what kind of thoughts were surging I look away.

"Anything else?" He asks.

"Well, yesterday Mr. Fisher came to dinner in the house I'm staying at. He is a friend of my host and while we were having a conversation, I discovered that he works for a noble called Tom Marsh, the head behind the Marsh charity. Dr. Fisher talked about how amazing Sir Marsh is, but something about him seemed off."

Mr. Holmes listened to my information with great attention, which made me feel like an important person.

"How does this Fisher look like Miss Mary?"

"He is very tall and blonde, has blue eyes, and sometimes wears reading glasses."

After hearing what I say, Mr. Holmes' face lights up like he just solved the most difficult charade.

"Do you know where this Sir Marsh lives Miss Mary?"

"Well, Dr. Fisher couldn't stop talking about his employer so yes, I do know."

"So, let's go then." Mr. Holmes walks through the door and my eyes widen. "Are you not coming?"

"Do you want me to come?"

"Well, for once you are the one who knows the address. Second, my friend who usually accompanies me is busy today and you seem like a lady who can use your brain well, so yes, I want you to come."

Feeling somewhat proud of hearing such compliments, I go with him without complaints. 

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