Dr. Fisher and Sir March

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Following Mr. Holmes I enter a cab carriage and, after the carriage starts moving, I see how inappropriate this may look to outsiders. But somehow, I don't feel scared at all. No, I know I'm not doing anything wrong, so I shall not fear others talking about it.

"Do you want to read a book, Miss Mary?" Mr. Holmes asks me "Sir March's house is far away from here which you may find boring – I know I do. I have a book about philosophy here."

"I don't read in carriages; it gives me headaches. But I'm curious about what book are you carrying."

"It's Rousseau" He smiles "I see you are interested in him."

"How do you know?"

"Your eyes lighted up when I said the name" He laughs "If I can't deduct the interest of someone by the way their eyes change when I say the right topic, then I don't deserve to be called a detective."

After this short exchange, the rest of the travel is silent. Not that I mind, London is more interesting than the countryside and I wonder what the stories of the people I see on the street are. As if he was reading my mind, Mr. Holmes starts talking.

"Don't be mesmerized by London. People are people whatever place they are. Some good, mostly bad."

"I know that to some extent. But I like to believe in the best in human nature and I always find ordinary stories quite fascinating."

I can see that in his eyes I'm a weird girl, but before he answers, the carriage arrives in its place. I feel butterflies in my stomach, but I'm too involved in the mystery to stop now.

"Miss Mary, I didn't expect to see you soon." Dr. Fisher says when we are announced and brought to the main room "Especially with such remarkable company."

I smile and wonder if Mr. Holmes is famous in London. In a place like Hertfordshire, he is more invisible than me.

"Yes, I know you must be surprised Dr. Fisher" I try to calm my beating heart while speaking "But I just met Mr. Holmes in one of my daily walks to the library and ended up talking about Sir Marsh's organization and he was inclined to donate."

Dr. Fisher looks at Mr. Holmes.

"Is that true Mr. Holmes?"

"Yes, indeed." Mr. Holmes answers with a pleasant tone in his voice "Half of the nobles in town don't care about the needy, which infuriates me. You see, I have a reasonable contact with people in the slums because of my job and I wish I could do more to help them." He makes a face that shows sadness and I don't know if it shows the truth or only an act "So when Miss Mary told me about Sir Marsh's organization, I felt like heaven was given me a sign. So, I asked her to bring me here."

Dr. Fisher stays quiet for a moment as if he is deciding whether to believe or not Mr. Holmes, which makes him look even more suspicious to me. In the end, he decided to believe in Mr. Holmes and guided us to the drawing room where Sir Marsh was resting.

"Sir Marsh" Dr. Fisher says as he enters the room me and Mr. Holmes follow him "This is Miss Mary Bennet and her friend Mr. Sherlock Holmes. Mr. Holmes says that he is very interested in your organization and wants to donate."

"Mr. Holmes" Sir Marsh smiles "Is such a good thing to meet you. You don't know how much I admire your work. The Study in Red that your friend had published left me speechless."

"Study in Red?" I couldn't help myself but ask.

"Yes Miss Mary" Dr. Fisher seems very happy at my question "Mr. Holmes' friend, Dr. Watson, publishes stories about the cases Mr. Holmes investigates. I'm sure you never heard of it since you are such a polite and delicate lady."

I breathe in to maintain my inner peace and just smile at this statement. Yes, I never read anything about investigations, but not because I was delicate – it was because I didn't have the opportunity.

"I wonder how you met such a remarkable gentleman with such a dangerous job like him Miss Mary." Sir Marsh looks at me "Dr. Fisher couldn't stop talking about how quiet and neighborly you were. So, I can't see how such a lady like yourself got involved with a remarkable – but dangerous – man."

My eyes widen and I don't seem to find an answer. When I was about to try to say something, Mr. Holmes opened his mouth.

"I once helped her brother-in-law, Mr. Darcy" He smiles "So when I saw her today, I couldn't help but ask about her family and then she ended up talking about the incredible gentleman she met yesterday."

I look at Mr. Holmes with anger and at the same time with confusion. I never told him that Dr. Fisher was incredible, quite the contrary – I told the man I was suspecting Dr. Fisher of the disappearance of John's father. But, even if I wanted to scream and say he was wrong, I didn't want to bring suspicion – specially because Dr. Fisher seemed very happy about the compliment and Sir Marsh looked less suspicious.

"So, for what project of the Marsh organization do you want to donate Mr. Holmes?"

"I would like to hear more about the projects and then make my donation."

Sir Marsh starts talking and Mr. Holmes seems to listen attentively. Dr. Fisher sometimes gives his insights about the projects and Mr. Holmes ends up giving some money towards the educational program. Once everything is settled, Mr. Holmes stands up and says his goodbyes and I do the same.

"I would accompany you to your house Miss Mary." Dr. Fisher says happily "But unfortunately I can't accompany you, because I will be tending to Sir Marsh needs. But I'm sure Mr. Holmes can do the honors."

I nod and then leave.

Once we are outside the house, Mr. Holmes helps to enter the cab carriage.

"Miss Mary, do you want to go to a place and discuss our meeting? I think I will find you thoughts interesting and I'm sure you are eager to know my deductions."

He wasn't wrong. I was indeed curious if he made some discovery in the short time we were there.

"Well, since you seemto agree with my idea let's go to my house in Baker Street. John probably isthere already."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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