Something must and will throw adventure in your way.

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I was expecting a lot of social activities when I arrived in London, especially after a dinner where Mrs. Maddison could not stop talking about getting me a husband. However, all her devotion towards this goal vanishes once she sees her new grandson, who is only two. He was indeed an extremely cute creature and one that had all my gratitude since all the attention she was giving me was transferred to him.

After spending the last few days looking through the garden and reading an incredibly beautiful novel, I decided I should go look around the city, more specifically – the library.

"You must go, Mary," Said Mrs. Maddison when she discovered my plan "And you must tell me if you see a gentleman that it is to your pleasing. I can discover anything about him for you."

I nod and leave.

Arriving at the place I wished to go, I started roaming through the books and so many titles caught my eye! I was just taking a history book off the shelf when I heard a scream in the corners.

"He is not here, can't you understand!"

"I do, I do," said a little boy, who could not be more than ten "But Papa told me here was going to the library before he disappeared. All I want to know is if you saw him here..."

The library clerk was ready to scream at the young boy again, but I could not see a small child like this get yelled at for caring for someone.

"He made a simple question" I raised my voice and the clerk looked at me "Can you answer it nicely?"

Blushing a little cause of my reprimand, the man answers in a more polite tone.

The little boy looks terrified in listening that the man had not seen his papa. He was about to start crying and I decided to lower to his level.

"Please don't cry" I pat his head "You will discover what happened to your papa." He smiles a little "You know what? Why don't we go to a bakery near here, buy some delicious bread, and then see if I can help you?"

Standing up, I pick up his hand and then we go to a small bakery, where I order a coffee for me and a delicious cake for him.

He eats like he has never eaten anything before, and I start to wonder if he ever did eat a cake. His clothes look worn out and a little dirty. But even if his clothes were far from the best, his complexion was good and his eyes full of hope and he seemed to know how to read, which meant he must have at least a loving figure in his life – his papa.

"So, what can you tell me about your papa?" I smile at him, trying to get more information.

"He is a nice hardworking man," He says proudly "He is indeed the best man in the whole world, and I miss him so much!"

"What about your mama?"

"She died when I was little," He says and when I tried to apologize, he dismisses it "It is fine. I did not know her, but if Papa loved him, she was amazing!"

I nod.

"For this reason, I am so worried. He would not leave me behind like this. He wouldn't be gone for so many days!"

Then I asked him about what his father was doing when he last saw him, and I learned that he got a job with a rich man concerning hunting and, since he didn't have a lot of experience with it, he decided to go to the library to search more about it.

"Odd choice to learn more about hunting..." I think to myself. Somehow, I was getting increasingly interested in this missing case. And yes, I know I should not be meddling in this, and giving the boy some cake was already a good deed, but I was just too worried and too curious to let this go.

The case of the blue flowersWhere stories live. Discover now