Before Reading

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Hello! I'm Rara and this is my very first fanfic uploaded on here. so if its bad I guess you know why.

its really made up of my own imagination on the way Heaven works. I've not perfected the timeline perfectly. I'm just kind of going with the flow with that stuff.

Before you ready here's a list of some warnings that may be included, and what to expect 

What to expect from this fic;

-Double chapter release

-Not a lot of smut/smut kept to a minimum

-my own AU being brought into it


-Swearing (obvi)

-Mentions of sexual themes

That's honestly it right now, ill update it if there's any others.

also if you read this on Ao3 first, this 'before reading' didn't exist. I feel like Ao3 users don't really need it idkidk.

anyway, please sit back, relax and jump into

A Tale From Heaven

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