Chapter two

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"Did i miss something" they are interrupted by a recognizable voice. John B looks up in shock, because he recognizes that voice more than anyone.

He looks straight into big blue eyes with a light brown rim in the middle and dark blue on the outside. large long dark brown curls with light brown highlights. She also had a few freckles, not many very light ones. "HAZEL!" John B recognizes her straight away. He starts to tear up but walks straight to her. Jj and Pope look at each other and get super big smiles on their faces. Kiara remains standing in the same spot in shock. Hazel is like a sister to Kiara. Jj runs to Hazel. The moment Hazel realizes it, it's already too late. Jj gives her a big hug. Hazel loses her balance and they fall to the ground. They both burst out laughing. Jj helps Hazel up, "HAZEL" Kiara runs to her and gives her a big hug, the girl her eyes are full of tears of joy.

Sarah and Cloe are still sitting down. Cloe gets closer to Sarah "Who is that?" she whispers in the blonde girl's ear."That's John B his sister" she answers "JOHN B HAS A SISTER!" She says a little too loudly, everyone starts laughing. "It's been so long" Jj says. Hazel looks into his eyes, they are still as blue as before, maybe even bluer. His blonde locks are still there. "It was too long" She says "Hey I'm Cleo nice to meet you" Says the girl who appears from behind Jj "ow Hi I'm Hazel John B his sister nice to meet you too" Hazel answers

then another girl came Hazel recognized the face but she didn't remember from where "hey do you remember me" the girl says "I don't know" Hazel answers thoughtfully "I'm Sarah Cameron" Sarah answers. Hazel freezes when she hears the name Cameron She must be the sister of Rafe Cameron, her ex-boyfriend. "Don't worry Rafe isn't here" Sarah says to calm her down "Aren't you a Kook?" Says the girl who still doesn't what's happening. "No, I have become a pogue, Rafe and Ward have already tried to kill me" She says "Oh" Hazel was in shock.

At a moment she feels Jj his eyes on her. She turns around and looks right in his eyes. He gives a her little smile. She feels her cheeks getting warmer. She gives him a smile back and looks away again. Without realizing it, she smiles at herself.

"Anyone want a beer?" She says "Oh god i would love to" the blond boy says with a grin on his face. "Hot tub someone?" John B asks "Oh yeah" Pope answers.


"Ya'll are dating?!" Hazel is shocked by the fact that Sarah and her brother are a couple, but she has a big smile on her face.

They keep talking untill Hazel zones out. She begins to realize that she may never see her mother again. She had simply thrown Hazel out. Without realizing it, she starts to tear up. Jj notices "I'm going to get some beer from inside. Hazel could you please help me?" He asks "OW yeah" Hazel comes back to the real world.

They go inside. "Are you okay?" the boy asks. She looks at him but starts to cry. Jj grabs her and hugs her. He moves a piece of hair from her face "What's on your mind" he asks "my mom hates me" She says "no she doesn't hate you" he answers "She threw me out and just dropped me on the Outerbanks" the girl says back. "Wipe your tears, we're going to get some more beer and go back to the rest, they're waiting for us. We'll always be there for you," he says and hugs her again.

They come outside. "Wow that took a long time" Kiara says "we couldn't find them" Jj says "Come here with that beer I need them" Pope says "wow I've never seen Pope beg for beer like that" Hazel says "He changed"says Jj "i see hey John B where is dad I haven't seen him yet or is he on a treasure hunt" Hazel says Everyone looks at each other in shock. "What, where's Dad" the girl says with fear in her eyes. "Well about that..." Jj doesn't know what he can say. "H-He got k-killed" John B starts to tear up when he says it. "WHAT!?" Hazel her eyes start to fill with tears untill there roll two tears down her face. She gets out of the hot tub and runs inside Jj wants to follow but John B takes he's arm "Just let her for a second" He says Jj sits down again.

Hazel walks into a room and slams the door very loudly. She lies down on the bed. tears roll down her face. She stands up again and kicks the wall very hard. At one point her legs collapse from sadness and she falls to the ground. she was happy to see her friends again but this is not what she wanted. she loves her father. She sees a pocket knife lying a little further from her, probably from her brother. she takes it and makes her waist bleed.

Rafe & Barry

"wait you're telling me you saw Hazel" Barry says not beleving what Rafe just said "YES!" Rafe says "what no you didn't" Barry answers ""DO YOU THINK I WAS DREAMING" Rafe starts to raise his voice "yes actually yes" Barry anwers "Yes, I mean it, I saw her." The blond boy starts making violent hand gestures " "You're going crazy, isn't Hazel somewhere in Florida" Barry says "what if she came back" Rafe says back "Do you still love her?" asks Barry "I don't really know" Rafe says back "what if she still hates me, she will now also be with Sarah and she will not say the best things about me." he adds "You're right" Barry says

Meanwhile at the chateau

John B enters the room. Hazel quickly wipes the blood from her hands. she puts the pocket knife in her pocket and puts her shirt over the wounds. She stops herself from screaming out in pain. "Hey are you okay" he hugs her "yes" the pain in her mind is gone by the pain in her waist. "Everything will be fine, you might want to lie here with me." John B asks "ow yeah that's okay" her brother has always been there for her.

I'm sorry there wasn't much tension between Jj and Hazel but i'll try to do more I don't want to do it to fast

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⏰ Last updated: May 28 ⏰

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