Arrival 2

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Firey had almost missed them.

He was whistling, chopping some firewood for a campfire for him and Leafy to celebrate Coiny and Pin's arrival to their island. Meanwhile, a few meters out, Coiny and Pin were busy fueling their lighthearted rivalry.

When Firey heard them, he looked at Leafy, who had dozed off while writing.

All he could do was freeze in place. His eyes filled with shock.

Coiny and Pin looked at the welcome sign above them. 

"WELCOME COINY AND PIN", Coiny read aloud, slowly.

"What a lovely welcome sign... I guess...", Pin said to Coiny, rubbing her eyes.

Coiny looked at Pin with a smirk on his face.

"Should we go find them? It would be a great opportunity for a little friendly competition..."

Pin squinted her eyes and smiled. "You're on, Coiny."

At that moment, the couple split up and began searching for Firey and Leafy. They checked under rocks, in bushes, around trees, and more places.

Pin looked at the hut, and was sure she had just found the two of them. 

"Coiii-nyyyy" Pin sang tauntingly, "Look what I found!" She pointed to the hut. Coiny's eyes widened with fear.

I can't lose! Not again!

Coiny sprinted, sweating with each step. Pin saw this, and smirked. She had just opened the door when Coiny flew in from over her and fell onto the table. 


This woke Leafy up. Leafy, who had been sleeping near a tree, heard the loud thud and initially thought it was a wild animal.

This spooked Leafy, and she covered her mouth in fear, and tried to stay hidden.

Meanwhile, Firey was still frozen in shock and excitement in the middle of the woods.

"COINY! YOU COULD HAVE BROKEN THEIR TABLE!" Pin cried, checking the table for any damage.

"Relaaaxxx..."  Coiny calmly said, "Their table is fine, I think..." 

Pin just glared at him, still feeling the table. 

"Look, they're not even here! Let's just go and keep our competition going."

"Fine, Coiny- but if Firey and Leafy complain about their table being broken, I'm blaming it on you!"

"Whatever", Coiny jokingly smirked. Pin shook her head and closed the door behind her. She looked up, and Coiny was already running into the woods. She sighed, and ran after him.

Leafy was hiding inside one of the bushes- scared out of her mind. "F... Firey?" She quietly whispered.

No response.

"Firey?" She whispered, hoping Firey would answer.

However, her lover was busy standing completely still- in shock.

Leafy picked up a couple of Gooseberries to use as weapons against the wild animal.

Then, she began hearing its footsteps.

Whatever it was- it was coming closer to her.

As it started to nudge against the bush, Leafy suddenly jumped out, yelling at the top of her lungs, and started to throw the berries at Coiny.



Coiny had been ambushed with gooseberries! Leafy suddenly realized her mistake and began laughing silently.

Coiny's face turned red with embarrasment.

"Not funny, Leafy."

Pin arrived shortly after, and when she saw what happened, she had begun laughing with them. 

"Well... I'm glad Firey wasn't here to see this." Coiny sighed,

"Yeah... Leafy, where is Firey?" Pin asked, and Leafy suddenly remembered about Firey,

So, the three of them began searching- and it wasn't long before Pin found Firey standing still. Firey woke back up when Pin waved her hand over Firey's eyes.

"Pin!-" Firey was startled at first, but as he started to regain his senses, he saw Coiny and Leafy with Pin as well.

"Coiny! Pin! You guys made it! I knew my instructions were good enough-"

"They were not." Coiny sighed, jokingly.

Firey rolled his eyes, and they talked together for the next few hours around the campfire.

"So... who won that competition of yours?" Leafy asked Pin and Coiny, plopping a berry into her mouth,

"Well, it definitely wasn't Coiny!" Pin said, smirking at Coiny,

"Hey! That Zombie Invasion wasn't MY fault..." Coiny said, laughing mid-sentence.

"Anyways, we're super interested- who won?!" Firey said, sitting on the edge of his log seat.

"Well... the winner happened to be..." 


Hi, I don't know who won TPOT yet, but I'll edit this chapter when I DO find out!

But this is by far the longest chapter I've ever written (600+ words)

Anyway, Hope you enjoyed this chapter!

- Naily444

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